Litigate example sentences

Related (10): attorney, lawsuit, mediation, arbitration, settlement, evidence, injunction, appeal, pleadings, verdict.



litigate (verb) · litigates (third person present) · litigated (past tense) · litigated (past participle) · litigating (present participle)

  - go to law; be a party to a lawsuit:

  - take (a claim or a dispute) to a court of law:


oppose, challenge, dispute, resist, defy, question, doubt

"Litigate" Example Sentences

1. The two sides are litigating the contract dispute.
2. The company decided to litigate rather than settle the patent infringement case.
3. The family spent many years and fortune litigating over the inheritance.
4. They litigated for years before finally reaching a settlement.
5. The litigants were finally ready to negotiate after exhausting all legal remedies.
6. The divorce proceedings involved extensive litigation over property and child custody.
7. The law firm was hired to litigate the class action lawsuit.
8. The environmental group threatened to litigate if the project went forward.
9. The landlords decided to litigate rather than mediate the eviction dispute.
10. The accident victims chose to litigate rather than accept the initial insurance settlement offer.
11. Multiple parties had threatened to litigate over the estate but a compromise was eventually reached.
12. The couple spent a fortune litigating over the ownership of their business.
13. The business partners ended up litigating against each other after their company failed.
14. The shareholders litigated in an attempt to have the CEO removed.
15. The couple hoped to avoid litigating but were unable to reach an agreement out of court.
16. The scandal resulted in multiple employees threatening to litigate against the company.
17. The athlete decided to litigate the suspension imposed by the league.
18. Numerous creditors threatened to litigate if they did not receive payment soon.
19. The trust fund beneficiaries chose to litigate their claim against the executor.
20. The star litigated against the studio to try and break his contract.
21. The record company threatened to litigate over unpaid royalties.
22. The renters chose to litigate rather than move out of the disputed apartment.
23. The department store decided to litigate rather than comply with the regulator's demands.
24. The former business partners spent years and large sums litigating against each other.
25. The board voted to litigate the CEO's controversial contract.
26. Multiple claimants threatened to litigate over the assets left behind.
27. The school board chose to litigate rather than accept the union's latest contract demands.
28. The homeowner decided to litigate rather than settle for the insurance company's offer.
29. The non-profit decided to litigate rather than try to negotiate with the offender proactively.
30. The third party threatened to litigate if their concerns were not addressed immediately.
31. The heir decided to litigate against changes to the will.
32. The litigants reached a settlement after exhausting their legal remedies.
33. The board chose to litigate the latest ethics accusations against the executive director.
34. The two sides showed no sign of resolving their differences without litigating.
35. Numerous creditors threatened to litigate if they could not be paid in full.
36. The two spouses were litigating over not just finances but also custody of their children.
37. The company threatened to litigate if the negative press coverage did not stop immediately.
38. The labor union chose to litigate rather than accept management's final contract offer.
39. The advertiser decided to litigate rather than comply with the regulatory agency's demands.
40. The ex-partners were embroiled in years of expensive litigation against each other.
41. The victims chose to litigate rather than wait for the government to provide restitution.
42. The journalist decided to litigate the gag order imposed on reporting the story.
43. The patient chose to litigate rather than accept the paltry malpractice settlement.
44. The litigants eventually agreed to mediation after exhausting all legal remedies.
45. Numerous employees threatened to litigate over unfair termination.
46. The industrial action led to multiple lawsuits being litigated.
47. The litigants eventually agreed to arbitration after years of fruitless litigation.
48. The businessman decided to litigate rather than comply with the increasing tax demands.
49. The artist chose to litigate the gallery's refusal to remove his works from the exhibition.
50. The two neighbors were litigating over a boundary dispute.
51. The philanthropists chose to litigate rather than yield to the government's demands.
52. The band decided to litigate the music studio over unpaid royalties.
53. The litigants eventually agreed to mediation after years of expensive litigation.
54. The two ex-partners were still litigating over division of their business assets.
55. The media company threatened to litigate if the defamatory reporting did not cease.
56. Multiple parties threatened to litigate over the disputed remains.
57. The family decided to litigate rather than comply with the controversial new laws.
58. The employees threatened to litigate if their demands for better benefits were not met.
59. The two companies were still litigating over the patent infringement allegations.
60. The celebrities chose to litigate confidentiality breaches rather than issue public statements.

Common Phases

1. The two parties are ready to litigate over the disputed contract.
2. The company was facing multiple lawsuits and had to litigate claims from several former employees.
3. They decided to litigate the patent infringement case in federal court.
4. The opposing lawyers spent months researching the facts and legal issues before they started to litigate the case in court.
5. We cannot afford to litigate this issue; it would be too costly and time consuming.
6. The judge ordered the two sides to mediate their dispute first before litigating the case.
7. The plaintiff chose to litigate in order to win compensation for the damages.
8. The defendant had no choice but to litigate to prove their innocence.
9. Our firm specializes in litigating intellectual property cases.
10. The lawyer advised his client against litigating and suggested they settle out of court.
11. Litigating the issue in court could drag on for years and cost more than the original dispute was worth.
12. They decided it was better to litigate the contract dispute than to negotiate further.
13. Many companies establish arbitration clauses in contracts to avoid litigating disputes.
14. The attorney urged her client to avoid litigating and handle the disagreement through alternative dispute resolution.
15. The decision to litigate should not be taken lightly due to the high costs and risks involved.
16. The insurance company chose to litigate the claim rather than just pay out the policy amount.
17. Litigating intellectual property issues has become a significant part of our practice.
18. Our firm is well known for aggressively litigating product liability cases.
19. The two sides attempted mediation first but eventually had to litigate to resolve their disagreement.
20. The class action lawsuit allowed the plaintiffs to litigate collectively to seek damages on behalf of all those affected.
21. The right to litigate gives citizens a fair chance to seek justice through the courts.
22. The judge warned the two parties that litigating could take years to resolve and consume massive resources.
23. The hostile takeover attempt forced the company to litigate to protect its independence.
24. We often advise clients to seek other ways to resolve disputes before litigating.
25. The commercial contract contained a clause preventing either party from litigating for breach of contract.
26. The opposing sides disagreed about how best to litigate the issue in court.
27. The decision to litigate certain cases is made by senior partners and managing directors at the firm.
28. The law firm specializes in litigating disability and employment discrimination claims.
29. The company's in-house counsel litigates most of their routine legal issues to keep costs down.
30. The firm has a reputation for aggressively litigating product liability cases against major corporations.
31. The majority of cases are resolved through settlements before they ever get litigated in a trial.
32. They avoided litigating the contract dispute by renegotiating the terms they disagreed on.
33. The judge fined the plaintiff for frivolously litigating a case without merit.
34. Legal scholars debate whether litigating creates a more just society or simply causes more conflict.
35. Our law firm focuses primarily on litigating commercial disputes between businesses.
36. The open and transparent legal system allows citizens to freely litigate their grievances.
37. The emergence of class action lawsuits made it possible to litigate issues that affected large groups of people.
38. The opposing lawyers spent hours litigating minor details that were irrelevant to the main issues in the case.
39.We would prefer not to litigate this dispute if there is any chance of resolving it amicably through discussion.
40. The lawyers argued passionately as they litigated a complex issue of constitutional law in front of the judge.
41. They argued that litigating against the corporation would be a lengthy and expensive process.
42. Frivolous lawsuits that lack merit only serve to clog up the courts and waste resources by litigating baseless claims.
43. The minor dispute did not warrant litigating and spending thousands of dollars on attorneys' fees.
44. Litigating against a governmental department or agency can present additional challenges.
45. They decided litigating was not worth the stress and costs, so they agreed to an out-of-court settlement.
46. Years of aggressively litigating forced the company to reevaluate their overall legal strategy.
47. The plaintiffs produced strong evidence to persuade the judge that their case had merit and deserved to be litigated.
48. The two sides came to an agreement before the issue could be litigated in a formal court proceeding.
49. Partnering with an experienced law firm can help you best decide whether or not to litigate your claim.
50. Litigation is often seen as a last resort after negotiations and mediation have broken down.
51. We will consider litigating if we cannot resolve this issue through discussion and good faith efforts.
52. The judge held litigating these particular details would be a waste of the court's time and resources.
53. The two sides came very close to litigating before finally deciding to settle out of court.
54. The legal judgment allows them to freely litigate issues regarding freedom of speech and the press.
55. They advised against litigating due to the unpredictable nature and high costs involved in protracted legal disputes.
56. The value of the disputed property made litigating a worthwhile option for both parties.
57. The constitutional right to litigate grievances helps maintain a fair system of checks and balances.
58. Many employment contracts contain provisions limiting the ability of employees to litigate claims against the company.
59. They decided to litigate in order to set a legal precedent for future similar disputes.
60. His lawyer advised him against frivolously litigating a case they were likely to lose.

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