Liturgical example sentences
Related (10): sacramental, ritual, worship, divine, ecclesiastical, hymn, prayer, ceremony, service, eucharist
"Liturgical" Example Sentences
1. The liturgical year begins with Advent.2. The liturgical calendar marks the important days in the life of the Church.
3. Liturgical prayer is a vital part of the Church's life.
4. Liturgical music is an important part of the worship experience.
5. The liturgical color for the season of Lent is purple.
6. Liturgical dance is an expression of joy and celebration.
7. Liturgical vestments are worn by clergy to signify their role in worship.
8. Liturgical readings are taken from the Bible and other sacred texts.
9. The liturgy of the Eucharist is a central part of Catholic worship.
10. Liturgical worship is a way of encountering God in the midst of the gathered community.
11. The liturgical seasons of the Church year are Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter.
12. The liturgical year is divided into two major sections: Ordinary Time and the major feasts and solemnities.
13. Liturgical chants are sung during the Mass to accompany the prayers and readings.
14. The liturgical vestments worn by the priest reflect the Church's understanding of the sacredness of the Mass.
15. Liturgical incense is used to symbolize the presence of God in the worship space.
16. The liturgical colors of the Church year are white, red, green, violet, and black.
17. The liturgical year is a cycle of feasts and fasts that marks the life of the Church.
18. Liturgical dance can be used to express the joy of the Gospel and the mystery of faith.
19. The liturgical readings for the Mass are taken from the Bible and other sacred texts.
20. The liturgical calendar is a cycle of feasts and fasts that mark the life of the Church.
21. Liturgical readings are proclaimed by members of the congregation during the Mass.
22. Liturgical music is an important part of the worship experience, helping to create a sense of unity and community.
23. Liturgical prayer is a form of communal prayer that expresses the beliefs and values of the Church.
24. The liturgical season of Lent is a time of preparation for the celebration of Easter.
25. The liturgical year is a cycle of feasts and fasts that marks the life of the Church and its members.
26. Liturgical vestments are worn by clergy to signify their role in the liturgy and to signify the sacredness of the Mass.
27. The liturgical colors of the Church year are used to signify the different seasons and feasts of the year.
28. The liturgy of the Eucharist is the central act of worship in the Catholic Church.
29. The liturgical readings for the Mass are taken from the Bible and other sacred texts and are proclaimed by members of the congregation.
30. Liturgical dance is an expression of joy and celebration that is used to express the mystery of faith.
31. Liturgical incense is used to symbolize the presence of God in the worship space and to create a sense of reverence and awe.
32. The liturgical vestments worn by the priest reflect the Church's understanding of the sacredness of the Mass and the role of the clergy.
33. The liturgical year is divided into two major sections: Ordinary Time and the major feasts and solemnities.
34. The liturgical color for the season of Lent is purple, which is a sign of repentance and preparation for Easter.
35. Liturgical music is an important part of the worship experience, helping to create a sense of unity and community in the gathered assembly.
36. The liturgical seasons of the Church year are Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter, each of which has its own distinctive color and theme.
37. Liturgical readings are proclaimed by members of the congregation during the Mass to proclaim the Word of God and to provide spiritual nourishment.
38. Liturgical prayer is a form of communal prayer that expresses the beliefs and values of the Church and is an integral part of the worship experience.
39. Liturgical vestments are worn by clergy to signify their role in the liturgy and to signify the sacredness of the Mass and the role of the clergy.
40. The liturgical year begins with Advent, which is a time of preparation for the celebration of Christmas.