Localists example sentences

Related (3): autonomy, self-determination, democracy

"Localists" Example Sentences

1. The localists believed in promoting their hometown's economy over foreign businesses.
2. Some localists advocate for greater autonomy and independence from federal government.
3. The localists demanded that their community's needs be prioritized before global interests.
4. Localists are concerned about the effects of globalization on their community's culture and identity.
5. The localists formed a coalition to protect their region's natural resources.
6. Some localists believe that immigrants are a threat to their community's way of life.
7. The localists organized a boycott of a multinational corporation that threatened local businesses.
8. Localists argue that decision-making power should be decentralized and given to community leaders.
9. The localists fought to preserve an historic building that represented their town's heritage.
10. Localists are often criticized for being too parochial and resistant to change.
11. The localists rejected a proposal for a large-scale development project that they deemed harmful to their community.
12. Some localists see federal laws as a violation of their community's sovereignty.
13. The localists were successful in implementing policies to improve the quality of life for their town's residents.
14. Localists aim to foster a sense of community and civic engagement among their fellow citizens.
15. The localists supported a local farmer's market to promote sustainable agriculture.
16. Some localists believe that their community's economic problems stem from global trade policies.
17. The localists organized clean-up efforts to beautify their neighborhood.
18. Localists are often involved in grassroots efforts to support small businesses.
19. The localists voiced concerns about the impact of a proposed oil pipeline on their region's environment.
20. Localists argue that preserving a community's unique character is worth sacrificing economic growth.
21. The localists rallied support for a public transit system to reduce traffic congestion.
22. Some localists believe that their traditional way of life is threatened by urbanization.
23. The localists were successful in creating a local currency to support independent businesses.
24. Localists advocate for greater citizen participation in local government decision-making.
25. The localists opposed a large retail chain's bid to set up shop in their community.
26. Some localists advocate for a return to a more agrarian economy.
27. The localists supported a community garden project to promote sustainable living.
28. Localists argue that creating a sense of place and community is crucial for a healthy society.
29. The localists helped pass a law prohibiting multinational corporations from buying up local businesses.
30. Some localists believe that their community's unique culture is threatened by homogenization and mass media.

Common Phases

1. Localists believe in supporting their local community;
2. The localists aim to strengthen the local economy;
3. Localists stress the importance of knowing your neighbors;
4. Localists prioritize using local resources;
5. Localists work to preserve local cultures and traditions;
6. The localists encourage local entrepreneurship;
7. Localists advocate for sustainable and environmentally-friendly practices;
8. Localists value local decision-making and autonomy.

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