Locustae example sentences

Related (1): locusts

"Locustae" Example Sentences

1. The sound of the locustae buzzing filled the air.
2. The leaves of the trees rustled as the locustae landed on them.
3. I could see swarms of locustae in the distance.
4. The crops were being devoured by the locustae.
5. The locustae were returning earlier than usual this year.
6. The farmers were struggling to keep the locustae away from their fields.
7. The locustae outbreak was causing significant damage to the environment.
8. The government had initiated a locustae control program to combat the infestation.
9. The birds were feasting on the locustae and keeping their population in check.
10. The locustae were decimating the vegetation in the area.
11. The locustae were attracted to the sweet fragrance of the flowers.
12. The children were fascinated by the swarms of locustae.
13. The sound of the locustae was deafening in the early morning hours.
14. The locustae had transformed the landscape into a barren wasteland.
15. The locustae infestation had reached epidemic proportions.
16. The locustae were causing immense hardship for the local farmers.
17. The trees were bending under the weight of the locustae.
18. The locustae were a common sight in the dry, arid regions.
19. The locustae were devouring everything in their path.
20. The locustae were an unwelcome visitor in many parts of the world.
21. The locustae were being studied by scientists for their unique characteristics.
22. The locustae were creating havoc for the farmers and the environment.
23. The locustae were adversely affecting the food security of the region.
24. The locustae were a menace to the agricultural industry.
25. The government had deployed teams to spray insecticides on the locustae.
26. The farmers were using traditional methods to combat the locustae infestation.
27. The locustae had caused a significant economic impact on the region.
28. The locustae were damaging the delicate ecological balance of the region.
29. The swarms of locustae were blocking out the sun.
30. The locustae were a formidable adversary for the farmers.

Common Phases

1. The locustae swarmed in the field; devouring everything in their path.
2. Farmers were helpless against the locustae; unable to protect their crops.
3. The locustae invasion caused widespread damage; affecting the livelihood of many.
4. The noise of locustae wings filled the air; a deafening hum that could be heard for miles.
5. The locustae threat prompted a state of emergency; as authorities tried to combat the infestation.
6. People living in affected areas were fearful of the locustae; afraid of the damage they could cause.
7. The locustae plague was a disaster for the environment; disrupting the delicate balance of the ecosystem.
8. Scientists conducted research to find ways to control the locustae population; without causing long-term harm to the environment.

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