Longitudes example sentences

Related (2): longitude, meridian

"Longitudes" Example Sentences

1. The map shows the various latitudes and longitudes of the region.
2. The expedition aims to explore the uncharted latitudes and longitudes of the Antarctic.
3. The compass was used to determine the latitudes and longitudes of previously unmapped lands.
4. We had to determine our precise latitudes and longitudes in order to find the hidden treasure.
5. GPS devices accurately display the latitudes and longitudes of any location on earth.
6. The satellite system allows us to pinpoint the latitudes and longitudes of lost hikers.
7. They used sextants to calculate the accurate latitudes and longitudes of the islands.
8. Astronomical measurements helped early explorers determine approximate latitudes and longitudes.
9. The nautical charts showed the latitudes and longitudes of the coral reefs and shoals.
10. The exact latitudes and longitudes of many ancient cities are still unknown.
11. The database contains the latitudes and longitudes of thousands of stars.
12. Polynesians navigated across vast distances using knowledge of latitudes and longitudes.
13. Early compasses could determine latitudes but not longitudes.
14. I recorded the latitudes and longitudes of all of the places we visited.
15. The first step is accurately determining the latitudes and longitudes of all citizens.
16. The ship's position was determined via readings of its latitude and longitude.
17. We compared the latitudes and longitudes of various locations on the two maps.
18. Knowledge of latitude and longitude transformed navigation and exploration.
19. Jupiter's moons helped Halley determine the first accurate longitudes at sea.
20. The observatory sits at a high latitude but average longitude.
21. They traveled far from established latitudes and longitudes into uncharted territory.
22. Galileo made significant contributions to determining accurate latitudes and longitudes.
23. Latitude varies by distance from the equator while longitude is based on time zones.
24. Our search efforts will focus on the specified latitudes and longitudes shared by witnesses.
25. There were discrepancies between the reported latitudes and longitudes and our actual location.
26. The scope of the study covers a wide range of latitudes and a narrow band of longitudes.
27. Changes in latitude and longitude are reported as coordinate pairs.
28. The data points represent measurements taken at different latitudes and longitudes.
29. Recording accurate latitudes and longitudes was crucial for safe sea travel.
30. The island chain spans a wide range of both latitudes and longitudes.
31. Longitude calculations relied on accurate knowledge of time differences between locations.
32. They used parallel rulers and protractors to find coordinates in terms of latitude and longitude.
33. The constellations shifted depending on the observer's latitudes and longitudes.
34. They spent months charting the latitudes and longitudes of the entire continent.
35. The map includes lines of latitude and longitude marking various coordinates.
36. Longitude was the more difficult dimension to determine accurately for centuries.
37. The calculations were checked against known latitudes and longitudes to verify their accuracy.
38. Markers indicate the latitudes and longitudes of notable buildings and monuments.
39. We traveled to some far-flung latitudes and longitudes in search of adventure.
40. The observatory at Greenwich established the prime meridian and standardized longitude measurements.
41. The island lies near the Tropic of Capricorn at a longitude of 37 degrees east.
42. The data will be plotted on a map using latitude and longitude coordinates.
43. The ancient mariners had techniques for determining latitudes but not longitudes at sea.
44. Latitude and longitude are angular measurements based on a spherical Earth model.
45. Reports were conflicting regarding the precise latitudes and longitudes of the sightings.
46. Minor deviations in reported latitudes and longitudes can lead to searches of entirely the wrong locations.
47. Knowledge of one's precise latitudes and longitudes is critical for effective navigation.
48. The devices provide continuously updated information about current latitudes and longitudes.
49. Identifying the precise latitudes and longitudes of star clusters aids in cosmological research.
50. The observatory was designed for viewing celestial bodies at its specific latitudes and longitudes.
51. Accurate measurements of latitude and longitude allowed for improved cartography and mapmaking.
52. The data marks different points in terms of their latitudes and longitudes.
53. The exact latitude and longitude of her final position remains unknown.
54. Equatorial mounts optimized for specific latitudes and longitudes ensure superior telescope views.
55. The navigators calculated longitudes by comparing local and Greenwich time readings.
56. Maritime charts display information based on lines of latitude and longitude.
57. Latitude and longitude concepts originate from the ancient Greeks.
58. The position readings included both the latitude and longitude coordinates.
59. The starting and ending points are several degrees apart in both latitude and longitude.
60. The planets transit at different latitudes and longitudes depending on the observer's location.

Common Phases

1. The coordinates are expressed in degrees of latitude and longitudes.
2. The prime meridian and the Greenwich meridian both have a longitude of 0 degrees.
3. The international date line passes through various longitudes in the Pacific Ocean.
4. The lengths of degrees of longitudes decrease from the equator to the poles.
5. The lines of longitudes running north to south meet at the North and South poles.
6. Most of the islands have slightly different longitudes.
7. The International Space Station orbits the earth at various longitudes.
8. The ship left the port and sailed across various longitudes on its voyage.
9. The precise longitude and latitude of the shipwreck were never discovered.
10. The different time zones correspond to approximately 15 degree differences of longitudes.
11. By measuring the exact positions in both latitudes and longitudes, cartographers can make accurate maps.
12. The aircraft navigator plotted the plane's progress across various latitudes and longitudes.
13. Satellite navigation uses satellites to determine positions in both longitudes and latitudes.
14. The surveyor used a theodolite to mark the precise longitude and latitude of the property boundaries.
15. The longitudinal lines measuring longitudes are known as meridians.
16. Differences in longitudes result in the various time zones around the world.
17. The GPS receiver gave the car's coordinates in terms of specific latitudes and longitudes.
18. Navigators on old sailing ships used celestial bodies to calculate their longitudes.
19. Latitude describes a location's distance North or South of the equator, while longitude describes East or West of the prime meridian.
20. Departures from scheduled times suggested errors in the plotted longitudes.
21. All lines of longitude converge at the North and South poles.
22. The atlas maps show the locations using a combination of latitudes and longitudes.
23. The explorer kept a journal noting their changing positions in terms of latitudes and longitudes.
24. The pilot entered the plane's coordinates of latitude and longitude into the onboard computer.
25. Navigators relied on accurate knowledge of both latitudes and longitudes.
26. Errors in charted longitudes often led to shipwrecks.
27. Distances along lines of longitudes decrease from the equator to the poles.
28. The equator has the maximum distance between any two lines of longitudes.
29. Ancient navigators had difficulty determining accurate longitudes at sea.
30. The navigator checked the ship's progress across various lines of longitudes and parallels of latitude.
31. Position is expressed in degrees using lines of longitude running north-south and lines of latitude running east-west.
32. Precision instruments can measure positions to fractions of a degree of both latitude and longitude.
33. The explorers followed lines of constant latitude and longitude across the uncharted regions.
34. Depths were measured along parallel lines of constant longitudes and latitudes.
35. Differences in longitude result in the various time zones because the sun reaches different meridians at different times.
36. The computer program converted the geographic coordinates of latitude and longitude into cartesian coordinates.
37. The exact longitudes and latitudes were noted for all important geographical discoveries.
38. Meridians of longitude run from the North Pole to the South Pole and are measured in degrees east and west of Greenwich.
39. While latitudes are measured in angular degrees from 0° to 90°, longitudes are measured in degrees from 0° to 180°.
40. The rising and setting of celestial bodies could help determine a ship's longitude but not its latitude.
41. Measuring longitude accurately at sea was one of the most difficult challenges for ancient navigators.
42. Lines of longitudes are imaginary lines that encircle the Earth east to west.
43. The wreckage was found at the coordinates of 55 degrees north latitude and 64 degrees west longitude.
44. Deviations from the planned flight path meant corrections to the inputted longitudes and latitudes.
45. Mariners' astrolabes could measure latitude but not longitude.
46. While latitude is denoted by parallels, longitude is denoted by meridians.
47. Constant longitudes are called meridians and run from the North Pole to the South Pole.
48. Longitudes are measured clockwise around the globe from 0° to 180° east or west.
49. Units of longitude are degrees, minutes, and seconds, similar to units of latitude.
50. A degree of latitude is always the same distance but a degree of longitude varies with distance from the poles.
51. Determining accurate longitudes at sea proved to be an arduous task for early explorers.
52. The prime meridian at Greenwich, England was arbitrarily chosen as the 0° line of longitude from which all other longitudes are measured.
53. Longitude is specified in degrees: between 0° (Greenwich Meridian) and 180° east or west.
54. The international date line separates two adjacent calendar dates at appropriate longitudes in the Pacific Ocean.
55. Positions of celestial bodies were used to calculate latitude but not longitude.
56. Plotting a ship's position required knowledge of both its latitude and longitude.
57. Errors in calculating longitudes led Christopher Columbus to underestimate the distance traveled to the New World.
58. Constant lines of latitude are called parallels and circle the globe east to west at equal distances from the equator.
59. Determining latitude was relatively easy using the position of the sun, but determining longitude required more complex methods.
60. John Harrison's marine chronometers revolutionized the ability to accurately determine longitudes at sea.

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