Lookers example sentences

Related (11): spectators, observers, onlookers, passersby, gawkers, visitors, sightseers, watchers, voyeurs, audience, crowd.

"Lookers" Example Sentences

1. The lookers were all admiring the beautiful sunset.
2. The car dealership had a steady stream of lookers all day.
3. The famous actress attracted many lookers on the set.
4. The art exhibit drew in many curious lookers.
5. The fashion show had many lookers sitting in the front row.
6. The suspicious package drew the attention of many lookers.
7. The crowded street had many lookers stopping to take a look at the street performers.
8. The new restaurant had many lookers peeking in the windows.
9. The fireworks show had many wide-eyed lookers staring up at the sky.
10. The beauty pageant had many envious lookers in the audience.
11. The beach had many sunbathers and lookers watching the surfers.
12. The old mansion drew in many lookers during the open house.
13. The concert had many enthusiastic lookers singing along with the band.
14. The blockbuster movie premiere had many excited lookers waiting in line.
15. The charity event had many generous lookers making donations.
16. The museum exhibit had many learned lookers studying the artifacts.
17. The crime scene had many curious lookers trying to see what happened.
18. The exotic car show had many car enthusiasts and lookers admiring the vehicles.
19. The crowded marketplace had many lookers bargaining for goods.
20. The new fashion line had many fashion conscious lookers trying on clothes.
21. The beauty salon had many satisfied lookers admiring their new hairstyles.
22. The park had many families and lookers enjoying the sunny day.
23. The bustling city street had many lookers rushing to work.
24. The new exotic bird exhibit had many curious lookers staring in awe.
25. The county fair had many happy lookers enjoying the attractions.
26. The football game had many excited lookers cheering on their team.
27. The pet store had many cute animals and lookers browsing for pets.
28. The grand opening of the new store had many excited lookers rushing in.
29. The fashion designer's runway show had many important lookers in attendance.
30. The farmer's market had many fresh produce and lookers buying fruits and vegetables.

Common Phases

1. Lookers are always welcome at our events; we love to have a big crowd.
2. The security guards noticed a group of suspicious lookers loitering outside the store; they decided to call the police.
3. During our nature walk, we spotted several bird lookers with binoculars; they were trying to spot some rare species.
4. Some street performers attract more lookers than others; it's all about the level of engagement and entertainment they provide.
5. The fashion show was packed with lookers admiring the latest designs; it was a glamorous and exciting event.
6. The art exhibit showcased the best local artists and drew a lot of interested lookers; many were impressed by the skill and creativity on display.
7. The tourist attractions in the city draw countless lookers every year; people come from all over the world to see the sights.
8. The construction workers had to deal with curious lookers trying to peek inside the building site; they had to put up barriers to keep them out.
9. The beach was full of sunbathers and lookers enjoying the warm weather; it was the perfect day for a seaside getaway.
10. The animal sanctuary attracts many animal lovers and lookers who want to see the rescued creatures up close; it's a heartwarming experience for visitors.

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