Loony example sentences

Related (10): lunatic, crazy, insane, deranged, mad, loopy, cuckoo, demented, wacky, bonkers

"Loony" Example Sentences

1. My neighbor can be so loony sometimes, playing his trumpet at 3 am.
2. The loony man kept shouting conspiracy theories at strangers on the street.
3. My toddler has such loony fits of laughter over the silliest things.
4. My dog looks absolutely loony when he chases his tail.
5. The loony bird just stood there staring at me without moving.
6. The loony bin is the place for that wacko.
7. The loony shopkeeper kept muttering to himself as he sized me up.
8. My friend's jokes were so loony I couldn't stop laughing.
9. The loony act he put on made the audience laugh hysterically.
10. My uncle's loony experiments with the microwave became a family legend.
11. The loony teenager ran through the hallways making banshee noises.
12. The loony conspiracy theorist spent hours ranting at his computer.
13. That insane, loony murderer should be locked away forever.
14. The loony tin foil hat wearer raved about space aliens controlling the government.
15. The old lady looked so loony, walking down the street talking to herself.
16. The toddler threw a loony temper tantrum when we wouldn't buy her candy.
17. My crazy neighbor keeps launching loony schemes to make money.
18. His loony behavior got him sent to the mental hospital.
19. My son acted so loony at the restaurant other diners started staring.
20. The loony performance artist created quite a scene at the art gallery.
21. The professor accused the Dean of being loony during the faculty meeting.
22. The loony student kept making bizarre and inappropriate jokes in class.
23. The kids thought the crazy old man rambling on the corner was loony.
24. My brother's latest get-rich-quick scheme sounds absolutely loony.
25. The loony customer complained to me that the lettuce had mind control devices in it.
26. His loony rants became less and less comprehensible over the years.
27. The loony duck looked befuddled as it wandered the aisles of the grocery store.
28. The woman who claimed that stray cats spoke to her seemed loony.
29. Loony coincidences abound on Friday the 13th.
30. His loony plan to drill to the Earth's core would never work.
31. The party turned loony after the punchbowl ran dry.
32. My roommate's loony ideas kept getting him into trouble.
33. Her loony notion that fairies lived in the backyard amused the children.
34. The loony ideas make for great stories but terrible policies.
35. The loony clown with the raspy voice terrified the children.
36. His loony conspiracy theories made him suspicious of everyone.
37. My son's loony sock puppet show made the entire family laugh.
38. The loony singers bellowing in the subway car entertained the commuters.
39. The loony woman ranted at anyone who walked by her.
40. The loony accident seemed straight out of a comedy film.
41. He thinks anyone who disagrees with him is loony.
42. The critics dismissed the author's loony theories as nonsense.
43. The loony dancer astonished the party guests with his acrobatic moves.
44. The loony professor wore odd socks and mismatched shoes every day.
45. The loony villains in that comic book were over-the-top ridiculous.
46. The crazy conspiracy theories sounded so loony I couldn't stop laughing.
47. The loony cat kept tossing the empty water bowl across the room for some reason.
48. The loony lightbulb jokes went on and on for ages.
49. The loony idea of outlawing chairs made us chuckle.
50. The garden gnome took on a loony grin after we painted a mustache on it.

Common Phases

1. My coworker is acting loony today, I think he forgot to take his medication.
2. The man in the park was talking to himself and laughing maniacally, he seemed loony.
3. My friend's idea to skydive on our weekend trip sounded absolutely loony and irresponsible.
4. The woman sitting next to me on the bus was rambling and talking to herself, she appeared to be quite loony.
5. The friend would go on and on about conspiracy theories and how the government is out to get him, he always seemed a bit loony to me.
6. My aunt collects coffee cups and has over a thousand of them, I think her obsession is a bit loony.
7. My neighbor would run around his backyard in his underwear in the middle of the day, he seemed quite loony.
8. The kid in class who always thought the teacher was an alien seemed a bit loony to me.
9. The uncle who showed up dressed like a pirate to Thanksgiving dinner every year was definitely viewed as a bit loony by the rest of the family.
10. The idea of jumping out of an airplane without a parachute sounds completely loony to me.
11. My friend's plan to hike the Appalachian Trail by himself with no supplies or preparation sounded absolutely loony and doomed to fail.
12. The new hire who claimed to be from Mars and know secrets about aliens seemed quite loony to the rest of the office staff.
13. Stealing shopping carts from the grocery store just for fun sounds like something only a loony teenager would think up.
14. The co-worker who swore the coffee machine was spying on him and reporting back to the government seemed loony to the rest of the office staff.
15. The idea of moving into the woods to live off the land with no supplies or experience sounded completely loony to my sensible friend.
16. The conspiracy theory video the man was showing me about how the government created AIDS sounded like the ramblings of a loony mind.
17. My neighbor's claim that she is communicating with aliens who are coming to take over the planet made her seem quite loony to the rest of the neighborhood.
18. The kid who would laugh maniacally and run around the classroom scaring other students seemed quite loony and in need of discipline.
19. I thought my friend's idea for a weekend camping trip in the middle of winter without proper cold weather gear was absolutely loony and doomed to end in disaster.
20. The street preacher loudly ranting about the end of the world and giving away pamphlets came across as quite loony to passersby.
21. The neighbor lady walking around the neighborhood screaming at random objects seemed quite loony and in need of help.
22. The idea of quitting my well-paying job to travel the world with no money or plan sounded completely loony, even to my most free-spirited friend.
23. The woman who claimed that ghosts were following her and talking to her seemed quite loony to everyone except her loyal husband.
24. My uncle's obsession with collecting aluminum foil and storing it in his cellar seemed loony to all the relatives who had seen it.
25. The man yelling at strangers on the street corner claiming the government was spying on him through his dental fillings seemed quite loony and unhinged.
26. Listening to my friend's idea to dump over porta potties in construction sites for fun made me think he was being quite loony and immature.
27. My coworker who kept claiming that the boss was spying on her computer screen using Jedi mind tricks seemed quite loony to the rest of the office staff.
28. The idea of quitting my job with no backup plan and moving into a commune in the woods sounded completely loony, even to my free spirited friend.
29. The neighbor man shouting at insects in his yard and shooting at them with a BB gun came across as quite loony to the rest of the neighborhood.
30. The woman walking around the supermarket talking to herself and yelling at invisible people definitely came across as quite loony to the other customers.
31. My friend's plan to ride his bike cross country without any money, supplies or map seemed downright loony and doomed to fail.
32. The neighbor who swore aliens were landing in his backyard every night and probing him seemed quite loony to all the other folks on the block.
33. Living off the grid in the woods with no income and subsisting off what you can scavenge seems absolutely loony to my practical friend.
34. The man ranting loudly on the subway about how the Illuminati were coming after him seemed quite loony and unhinged to the other passengers.
35. I rolled my eyes at my friend's loony idea to start juggling knives as a party trick.
36. The woman walking down the busy street talking to an imaginary person came across as quite loony to the other pedestrians.
37. The kid in class who claimed he was invisible and would pop up from under desks just to scare people seemed quite loony and in need of discipline.
38. My friend's plan to drop out of college and travel Europe as a street performer sounded completely loony and doomed to fail.
39. The idea of quitting my job and wandering the country with no money or plan seemed like a loony scheme dreamed up by an unhinged mind.
40. My neighbor who swore the government was out to get him by poisoning his trash cans seemed quite loony and in need of mental health assistance.
41. My friend's idea to run for political office even though he had no qualifications, experience or platform sounded completely loony and doomed to fail.
42. The teenager who insisted on wearing a cape and vampiric costume to school every day came across as quite loony to the administration and other students.
43. The neighbor lady walking around the neighborhood talking loudly to herself but with no phone came across as quite loony to the rest of the block.
44. My friend's idea to ride his bike down a steep hill while blindfolded sounded like a completely loony and dangerous stunt.
45. The woman ranting on the street corner and shouting Bible verses seemed quite loony and unhinged to passersby.
46. The kid who claimed the school was sending secret messages to him through the intercom sounded quite loony to the teachers and administrators.
47. The coworker who swore the vending machines were spying on him and reporting his conversations seemed quite loony to the rest of the staff.
48. The wealthy businessman who built a rocket ship in his backyard and insisted he was going to fly to Mars seemed like quite the loony eccentric.
49. The woman who yelled at strangers on the street and threw things at them definitely came across as quite loony and in need of help.
50. My friend's plan to drop out of college and become a street performer sounded like a completely loony and unrealistic scheme.
51. My colleague who insisted that aliens were controlling the president's mind seemed like a real loony conspiracy theorist.
52. The prankster kid who yelled "FIRE!" in a crowded movie theatre as a joke seemed like a loony and dangerous brat.
53. I rolled my eyes at my friend's loony idea to sneak onto an airplane and hide in the luggage compartment just for fun.
54. The man who swore the CIA was spying on him through his appliances and decorations seemed quite loony and in need of help.
55. The woman staring at trees and talking to them concerned the neighbors who thought she had gone a bit loony.
56. My friend's plan to drop out of school, hop a freight train and ride the rails sounded like a completely loony and unrealistic scheme.
57. The man yelling at random people on the bus and accusing them of stealing his thoughts seemed quite loony and unhinged.
58. The teenager who insisted on wearing a cape and vampiric costume to school every day came across as quite loony to the administration and other students.
59. The woman shouting Bible verses at strangers on the street corner came across as quite loony and unhinged.
60. The kid who insisted on wearing a tin foil hat to block the government's mind control waves seemed quite loony and in need of help.

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