Loratadine example sentences

Related (8): antihistamine, non-sedating, allergies, hives, urticaria, itching, sneezing, Claritin.

"Loratadine" Example Sentences

1. My allergies have been particularly bad lately, so my doctor prescribed loratadine.
2. Loratadine is an effective antihistamine that can provide relief for allergy symptoms.
3. I always keep a bottle of loratadine on hand, just in case my allergies act up.
4. If you're experiencing allergy symptoms like sneezing and itching, loratadine can help.
5. When I take loratadine, I can breathe easier and my eyes stop itching.
6. It's important to take loratadine as directed by your doctor or pharmacist.
7. I find that loratadine tablets are easy to swallow with a glass of water.
8. Loratadine is available in both brand name and generic versions.
9. If you're allergic to loratadine or have certain medical conditions, you should avoid taking it.
10. Some common side effects of loratadine may include drowsiness or dry mouth.
11. When taken in conjunction with other medications, loratadine can cause negative side effects.
12. Before starting loratadine or any other medication, always consult with your physician.
13. If you accidentally miss a dose of loratadine, simply take it as soon as you remember.
14. Children can take loratadine, but the dosage and frequency should be determined by their doctor.
15. I've been taking loratadine for years, and it continues to effectively manage my allergy symptoms.
16. If you're pregnant or breastfeeding, it's best to discuss the safety of loratadine with your doctor.
17. When taking loratadine, it's important to avoid drinking alcohol or using other sedatives.
18. Some people experience an allergic reaction to loratadine, so be sure to monitor any adverse symptoms.
19. Loratadine is a non-drowsy antihistamine, so it's a great option for daytime use.
20. If you have liver or kidney problems, your doctor may suggest an alternative to loratadine.
21. My wife takes loratadine every day during allergy season, and it really helps her symptoms.
22. Loratadine should be stored at room temperature and away from excess moisture or heat.
23. The active ingredient in loratadine is a powerful antihistamine called desloratadine.
24. Loratadine can be purchased over-the-counter without a prescription in most countries.
25. If you experience severe symptoms or an allergic reaction after taking loratadine, seek medical attention immediately.
26. Allergy sufferers can find relief with loratadine, as it helps to alleviate symptoms like sneezing and a runny nose.
27. Even though loratadine is available without a prescription, it's important to consult with a doctor before taking it.
28. My daughter takes a liquid form of loratadine, since she has trouble swallowing pills.
29. Loratadine is a popular antihistamine because it has few side effects and is generally well-tolerated by most people.
30. I always recommend loratadine to my friends who suffer from seasonal allergies, because it's so effective at managing symptoms.

Common Phases

relieve seasonal allergies; treat hives and itching; reduce sneezing and runny nose caused by allergies; control allergic reactions; alleviate symptoms of hay fever; combat sinus congestion; treat allergic dermatitis; manage allergic rhinitis.

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