Louse example sentences

Related (10): nit, parasite, infestation, vermin, insect, annoyance, pest, creepy-crawly, bloodsucker, cootie

"Louse" Example Sentences

1. She had to wash her hair multiple times to get rid of the lice.
2. The infestation of lice in the classroom was rampant.
3. Her little brother was constantly scratching his head because of the louse.
4. I can't believe she let her child go to school with lice.
5. The nurse checked the students' heads for lice during the health inspection.
6. The louse was so small, it was difficult to see with the naked eye.
7. After getting lice, she had to cut off all of her hair.
8. There are special combs designed to remove lice and their eggs.
9. The school had to bring in professional lice removers to get rid of the infestation.
10. She was mortified when she found out she had lice.
11. The louse crawled across the desk, causing everyone in the room to shudder.
12. She read that tea tree oil can help get rid of lice.
13. The lice outbreak was so bad, the school had to send home multiple students.
14. She was hesitant to go to the salon because of the lice scare.
15. Lice can easily spread if you share personal items, like hairbrushes or hats.
16. The louse was so fast, it seemed to disappear before our eyes.
17. She was paranoid about getting lice after her friend got it.
18. The school sent out a notice to parents about the lice outbreak.
19. The louse population can quickly multiply if not treated properly.
20. She had to boil all of her bedding and clothing to kill the lice.
21. The hair salon had to close temporarily due to a lice infestation.
22. She hated the smell of the lice shampoo, but it worked.
23. Her mother used a home remedy of vinegar and mayonnaise to get rid of lice.
24. The louse crawled onto her sleeve, causing her to jump up in fright.
25. After the lice outbreak was contained, the school implemented new hygiene protocols.
26. She found it helpful to wear her hair up in a tight bun to prevent lice.
27. The lice treatment was so expensive, she had to borrow money from her parents.
28. The louse eggs, also known as nits, can attach to the hair shaft and are difficult to remove.
29. After getting lice, she had to disinfect her entire home to prevent re-infestation.
30. She was relieved when her lice check came back negative.

Common Phases

not include offensive language.
1. She's got a louse in her hair;
2. We need to treat your lice infestation;
3. Don't be a louse and share your hat;
4. The school had an outbreak of head lice;
5. I can't believe she's scratching her head, she must have lice;
6. It's important to comb out all the lice eggs;
7. I can't stop itching my head, I think I have lice;
8. He's always been a louse, never once helped anyone else.

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