Lubricational example sentences

Related (5): frictional, tribological, lubricity, viscosity, oiliness.

"Lubricational" Example Sentences

1. Lubricational properties of motor oil are crucial for engine performance.
2. The lubricational film on the bearings helps to reduce friction and wear.
3. The lubricational system needs proper maintenance to function effectively.
4. Oil viscosity affects the lubricational efficiency of the lubricant.
5. Lubricational additives enhance the properties of the base oil.
6. Poor lubricational properties can lead to equipment failure.
7. The lubricational properties of a lubricant remain stable over a wide range of temperatures.
8. Solvent-based lubricants offer superior lubricational properties compared to petroleum-based products.
9. The lubricational properties of solid lubricants can improve the performance of high-temperature applications.
10. Proper lubricational practices improve the longevity of machinery and equipment.
11. The lubricational film helps to protect surfaces from corrosion and rust.
12. The lubricational system is designed to distribute oil to the moving parts of the engine.
13. The lubricational properties of synthetic oils offer superior performance compared to mineral oils.
14. Lubricational failure is a common cause of engine breakdown.
15. The use of high-quality additives can improve the lubricational properties of poor performing base oils.
16. Lubricational efficiency can be measured by the degree of friction reduction.
17. Lubricational breakdown can occur due to overuse or contamination of the lubricant.
18. The lubricational properties of grease make it ideal for use in high-load and high-speed applications.
19. The lubricational properties of oil prevent metal-to-metal contact and reduce wear.
20. Good lubricational practices can help to save on maintenance costs.
21. The effectiveness of lubricational coatings on gears and chains is dependent on the substrate material.
22. Viscosity modifiers are often used to improve the lubricational properties of lubricants.
23. Lubricational problems can arise when different types of lubricants are mixed.
24. The lubricational properties of non-Newtonian fluids change with the rate of shear.
25. The lubricational benefits of using solid lubricants make them a popular choice for the aerospace and automotive industry.
26. The lubricational properties of hydraulic fluids can affect the efficiency of hydraulic systems.
27. Grease lubricants require frequent inspection and maintenance to ensure their lubricational effectiveness.
28. The applicability of a lubricant is often determined by its lubricational properties such as viscosity, lubricity, and thermal stability.
29. Inadequate lubrication can cause insufficient lubricational film thickness, leading to equipment damage.
30. The role of lubrication is to maintain the lubricational film between moving parts, preventing wear and extending equipment life.

Common Phases

not include any personal pronouns.
1. Effective lubricational practices ensure smooth operation of machinery;
2. Lubricational oils reduce friction and wear in moving parts;
3. Proper lubricational procedures are critical for the maintenance of equipment;
4. Lubricational compounds can improve thermal stability and protect against corrosion;
5. Lubricational fluids can enhance the performance and lifespan of machines;
6. Regular lubricational maintenance is essential for preventing breakdowns and costly repairs;
7. Lubricational additives can increase viscosity and improve lubricity;
8. Proper lubricational techniques can minimize energy consumption and save costs;
9. Lubricational coatings can provide a protective layer against heat and abrasion;
10. Lubricational systems can ensure the smooth functioning of complex machinery.

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