Lyings example sentences

Related (11): deceit, falsehoods, untruths, misrepresentations, fabrications, fictions, prevarications, dishonesty, treachery, fraud, betrayal

"Lyings" Example Sentences

1. His repeated lyings were beginning to wear thin with his friends.
2. The politician's lyings were exposed by the media.
3. She was shocked by the frequency of her husband's lyings.
4. The detective could sense the suspect's lyings, as he had been trained to detect lies.
5. The company fired the employee for his frequent lyings about his work.
6. His lyings about his qualifications led to him being dismissed from his job.
7. The teacher was concerned about the child's lyings and informed the parents.
8. The courtroom was silent as the defendant's lyings were exposed.
9. The mother was tired of her son's lyings and wanted to help him overcome it.
10. The company implemented a system to prevent employee lyings.
11. The president's lyings about the economy led to public outrage.
12. The therapist helped the patient overcome their lyings.
13. The police officer was skeptical of the suspect's lyings.
14. The liar's lyings caught up with him when he was caught on camera.
15. His lyings about his whereabouts were exposed when his phone records were checked.
16. The journalist investigated the public official's lyings about their campaign finances.
17. The boss had a zero-tolerance policy for lyings in the workplace.
18. The child's lyings about their grades led to disciplinary action from the school.
19. The pastor addressed the issue of lyings in his sermon.
20. The lawyer warned her client about the consequences of lyings in court.
21. The company's policy on lyings was clearly stated in the employee handbook.
22. The politician's lyings about their opponent's record were called out in a press conference.
23. The teenager's lyings about where they had been were exposed when their parents found out.
24. The novel explored the effects of lyings on personal relationships.
25. The therapist worked with the patient to uncover the root of their lyings.
26. The employee's lyings resulted in a loss of trust from their colleagues.
27. The coach addressed the issue of lyings among the team.
28. The scientist's research disproved the lyings of a previous study.
29. The CEO's lyings about the company's finances led to legal action.
30. The company conducted a training session on lyings in the workplace.

Common Phases

1. Stop with your lyings; I know the truth.
2. Your constant lyings are getting old; it's time to come clean.
3. Don't believe his lyings; he's just trying to cover his tracks.
4. Her lyings about her accomplishments were exposed; she was fired soon after.
5. I've had enough of your lyings; we're done here.
6. It's hard to trust someone with a history of lyings; they have to earn it back.
7. His lyings about the incident only made things worse; the police got involved.
8. The whole situation was made worse by his lyings; nobody knew what was true anymore.

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