Macrosmatic example sentences

Related (1): olfactory

"Macrosmatic" Example Sentences

1. The bloodhound is known for its macrosmatic sense of smell.
2. The macrosmatic abilities of some animals, like elephants, are incredibly powerful.
3. The macrosmatic sense of a shark plays an important role in finding prey.
4. The macrosmatic nature of a dog's nose has made them a valuable tool for law enforcement.
5. A vulture's macrosmatic abilities make them a valuable scavenger.
6. A bat's macrosmatic senses help them hunt for insects in the dark.
7. The macrosmatic sense of a wolf helps them track their prey over long distances.
8. Owls have macrosmatic senses that help them locate prey from great distances.
9. The macrosmatic abilities of a bloodhound make them perfect for tracking scents.
10. The macrosmatic sense in some fish allows them to detect food from afar.
11. A pig's macrosmatic sense is so strong that they can smell truffles buried in the ground.
12. The macrosmatic sense of a bee helps them locate nectar in flowers.
13. The macrosmatic abilities of some birds help them navigate during migration.
14. A snake's macrosmatic ability is essential for hunting prey.
15. The macrosmatic sense of a catfish helps them find food in murky water.
16. The macrosmatic sense of a bear is strong enough to detect food up to a mile away.
17. The macrosmatic abilities of a komodo dragon help them find food in their island habitat.
18. A mole's macrosmatic sense is incredibly sensitive, allowing them to detect prey underground.
19. The macrosmatic sense of a turkey vulture is so powerful that they can locate carrion from 3,000 feet in the air.
20. The macrosmatic abilities in some birds help them find mates during breeding season.
21. The macrosmatic sense of a snake helps them detect predators nearby.
22. The macrosmatic abilities in some fish help them locate their own species for breeding.
23. A dog's macrosmatic sense makes them perfect for detecting drugs and explosives.
24. The macrosmatic sense of a shark helps them detect blood in the water from far distances.
25. The macrosmatic abilities in some birds help them find the best nesting sites.
26. The macrosmatic sense of a lobster helps them locate food on the ocean floor.
27. The macrosmatic abilities of some ants help them find their way back to their colony.
28. The macrosmatic sense of a crocodile helps them locate prey in murky water.
29. The macrosmatic abilities in some birds help them find food during migration.
30. The macrosmatic sense of a raccoon helps them locate food in the dark.

Common Phases

1. The macrosmatic nature of dogs makes them excellent trackers;
2. Some people are born with a more macrosmatic sense of smell than others;
3. A macrosmatic experience can be overwhelming for someone who is not used to it;
4. The macrosmatic abilities of certain species of animals are still being studied;
5. The macrosmatic qualities of essential oils can have a therapeutic effect on the body;
6. The macrosmatic sense can be heightened by certain foods and spices;
7. Being macrosmatic can be both a blessing and a curse.

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