Magpie example sentences

Related (4): bird, thieving, nests, vocal.

"Magpie" Example Sentences

1. The magpie chattered noisily from its perch in the tree.
2. Clusters of magpies gathered near the farm, feeding on leftovers.
3. The magpie swooped down and picked up the shiny coin.
4. Magpies build their nests in dense bushes and thickets.
5. The iridescent black and white plumage of the magpie shone in the sunlight.
6. The farmer tried to scare away the gang of magpies that were raiding his chicken coop.
7. The lone magpie perched on the fence, watching the yard for food scraps.
8. The magpie added the bright button to its collection of trinkets in the nest.
9. A flock of magpies descended on the field, scavenging for worms and insects.
10. The magpie's loud, raucous call filled the morning air.
11. The magpie fluttered down and snatched up the piece of bread.
12. Groups of chattering magpies followed the farm machinery, gleaning any leftover grain.
13 The colorful tail feathers of the cock magpie flashed as it flew across the yard.
14. The shepherd rushed at the encroaching magpies trying to scare away the marauding birds.
15. The magpie eyed the shiny car, contemplating adding a hubcap to its nest trinkets.
16. Lasting only seconds, the magpie's song was high-pitched and piercing.
17. The distinctive black and white plumage of the magpie made it easy to spot among the trees.
18. The jay and the magpie fought over a scrap of meat left by the fox.
19. Flocks of magpies gathered at dusk to roost in the tall hedgerows.
20. The shy magpie watched from the bushes, waiting for the yard to clear before swooping in for scraps.
21. The magpie is an opportunistic feeder, taking eggs, chicks and small animals when the chance arises.
22. The wary magpie kept a close eye on the raptors hunting over the field.
23. Magpies often use shiny objects to decorate their nests.
24. The gang of magpies winged their way to fresh pastures, hunting for worms and insects in the newly ploughed fields.
25. The nesting magpies chased away all intruders from their territory.
26. The cheeky magpie hopped around the picnic blanket, eyeing the leftover sandwiches.
27. The behavior of magpies changes from solitary to social depending on the season.
28. Magpies love to steal shiny treasures for their nests like keys, coins and jewelry.
29. The solitary magpie perched on the lone dead tree, keeping watch over the field.
30. Magpies are members of the Corvid family, which includes crows, jays and rooks.
31. The flash of iridescent black and white feathers caught my eye as the magpie flew past.
32. The fleet-footed magpie dodged and weaved among the chickens in search of eggs.
33. Magpies sing sweet melodious songs in springtime.
34. The lonely call of the magpie broke the stillness of the early morning.
35. Magpies are monogamous, mating for life and nesting in the same territory each year.
36. The large communal roosts of wintering magpies were a loud cacophony of caws and chatter at dusk.
37. Magpies are known to practice cooperative breeding, with previous offspring helping to raise the next generation.
38. The bright black and white plumage of the magpie contrasts sharply against snow.
39 The cheerful chatter of magpies filled the garden as they swooped between bushes, hunting for insects.
40. Magpies are known to imitate other birdsong and even some human speech.
41. The large stick nest of the magpie dominates the tall tree.
42. Magpies were busy excavating worm casts from the molehills on the lawn.
43. The acrobatic magpie showed off its aerial acrobatics as it played in the sky.
44. The whole magpie clan descended on the freshly ploughed field.
45. Magpies are omnivorous, eating mainly insects, earthworms, grains, seeds and carrion.
46. The mischievous magpie eyed my sandwich with interest as it hopped along the picnic table.
47. Magpies spread viruses and parasites to livestock through their habit of plundering animal carcasses.
48. The iridescent cock magpie displayed for its mate, spreading its black and white tail feathers.
49. The chattering mob of magpies hounded the fox from the field.
50. The unusually tame magpie even hopped onto my lap in search of food.
51. The magpie's lyrical fluting call pierced the still morning air.
52. The shy magpie hid in the bushes at my approach but watched my every move.
53. The gang of magpies flew into a squabbling hubbub as I came too close to their nest.
54. A single magpie call sounds mournful, but in groups they create a raucous din.
55. The resourceful magpie quickly learned to follow the farmer around, waiting for scraps.
56. The aerobatic magpie swooped and twirled through the sky.
57. Magpies have been associated with bad luck and death in folklore due to their habit of gathering around the dying.
58. The magpie's tail bobbed up and down as it eyed up my sandwich.
59. The cheeky magpie even landed on my shoulder in search of food scraps.
60. The mob of magpies descended like a black and white blizzard, swarming over any available food source.

Common Phases

1. The magpie chattered loudly as I walked by.
2. The bright plumage of the magpie caught my eye.
3. The magpie flew down to steal the shiny earring.
4. The magpie swooped down to grab the coin from the ground.
5. The magpie's nest was full of shiny treasures it had collected.
6. The magpie continued to chatter at me from the tree branch.
7. The child tried to shoo the magpie away from the garden.
8. The farmer placed shiny objects around the field to distract the thieving magpie.
9. I watched the magpie strut about looking for treasure to steal.
10. The magpie gracefully flew through the sky before landing in a tree.
11. The magpies swarmed the field after the farmer spread grain.
12. Magpies are known for stealing shiny objects to decorate their nests.
13. The magpie fluttered down to inspect the pretty jewel on the ground.
14. Magpies make for interesting, if somewhat mischievous, garden birds.
15. The flash of black and white from the magpie caught my eye.
16. The magpie nest was teeming with coins, spoons, and other treasures.
17. Magpies will often steal shiny trinkets from open garden tables.
18. The magpie skulked along the ground searching for anything glittering.
19. The walk was marred by the troublesome magpie that followed us.
20. The little girl giggled with delight at the chatty magpie in the tree.
21. The magpie settled on a branch next to the nest it was building.
22. Magpies are intelligent, social birds known for their mischievous thievery.
23. The chattering of the magpie was music to my ears.
24. The striking magpie flew high into the sky before landing on a roof.
25. The shiny chain on the post proved too tempting for the magpie to resist.
26. The barking dog scared away the thieving magpie before it could steal the necklace.
27. The grey magpies gathered every morning on the lawn looking for worms.
28. I carefully examined the treasures stolen by the magpie from the garden below.
29. The chicks in the magpie nest were crying for food.
30. Flitting from tree to tree, the magpie watched for an opportunity to steal something shiny.
31. The magpie and I eyed each other suspiciously from across the garden.
32. Magpies have adapted well to living in close proximity to humans.
33. The farmer's wife chased away the troublesome magpies with her broom.
34. The magpie added the tarnished silver coin to its collection of treasures.
35. The old tale warns that misfortune will follow if a magpie crosses your path.
36. The chattering of the magpie cheered me up as I walked by.
37. The magpie swooped down over the lawn looking for grubs and insects.
38. The pristine lawn was dotted with the occasional magpie.
39. The magpie eyed the ear stud on the ground, contemplating whether to steal it.
40. The brilliant black and white feathers of the strutting magpie shone in the sunlight.
41. The rumpled magpie landed on the garden table eyeing the freshly placed jewelry.
42. We watched helplessly as the magpie flew away with the shiny pendant.
43. The magpie eyed the shiny promise ring on the ground with interest.
44. The brash magpie flew down and snatched the bracelet before I could pick it up.
45. The chattering magpie provided background noise for the tranquil garden.
46. Everyone ran for cover as the aggressive magpie swooped overhead.
47. The cunning magpie swooped down upon the helpless kitten.
48. Magpies are attracted to shiny trinkets, whether worthless or valuable.
49. I found several earrings that had obviously been dropped by the magpie.
50. The magpie fluttered off happily with its stolen prize in its beak.
51. The cunning magpie is a notorious thief in gardens everywhere.
52. The mischievous magpie darted away with the shiny lighter in its beak.
53. The magpie eyed my watch hungrily but did not make a move to steal it.
54. No shiny object is safe from the kleptomaniacal magpie.
55. The thieving magpie darted away into the shelter of the nearest tree.
56. The tumbling antics of the magpie couple made me smile.
57. With a loud squawk, the stupid magpie flew away empty-beaked.
58. The magpie whistled merrily as it flew off with its tiny treasure.
59. The iridescent feathers of the strutting magpie glistened in the sun.
60. The magpie swooped down among the rooftops in search of shiny loot.

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