Malleablemodif example sentences

Related (10): modify, flexibility, pliable, adaptability, amendable, ductile, adjustability, manipulable, elastic, conformable

"Malleablemodif" Example Sentences

1. The malleable modifications to the design made it more versatile.
2. The engineer found a way to make the malleable metal easier to manipulate.
3. The artist loved the malleable nature of the clay, allowing for endless modifications.
4. The malleable plastic could be molded into any shape the designer desired.
5. The team worked to make the software more malleable, easily adapting to user needs.
6. The chef loved the malleable texture of the dough, allowing for creative modifications to the recipe.
7. The politician made a malleable decision after considering feedback from constituents.
8. The carpenter enjoyed working with the malleable wood, easily altering the design as necessary.
9. The athlete's training plan was malleable, adapting to changes in their performance and schedule.
10. The scientist was amazed at how malleable the material was under different conditions.
11. The fashion designer's malleable sketches allowed for easy modifications to the clothing line.
12. The company's internal procedures were malleable, allowing for changes as the business grew.
13. The trainer adjusted the workout plan to be more malleable for clients with varying fitness levels.
14. The musician found the malleable instrument to be versatile in different styles of music.
15. The surgeon needed to use malleable equipment to adjust to the unique anatomy of the patient.
16. The artist's malleable vision allowed for creative modifications and iterations of the artwork.
17. The teacher made a malleable lesson plan, adapting to student learning styles and needs.
18. The product design was made with a malleable material, allowing for quick modifications based on user feedback.
19. The architect needed to use malleable materials to modify the building plans as the project progressed.
20. The writer's malleable plot allowed for easy modifications to the story as new information arose.
21. The athlete's malleable training schedule allowed for recovery days and adjustments for injury.
22. The engineer found a way to make the malleable material stronger without sacrificing flexibility.
23. The artist's malleable medium allowed for both abstract and realistic interpretations of the subject matter.
24. The designer created a malleable system that allowed customers to customize their purchases.
25. The company's malleable policies could adapt to changes in the market and competition.
26. The musician experimented with the malleable sound of the instrument to create unique melodies.
27. The chef used the malleable texture of the food to create edible art on the plate.
28. The writer's malleable character development allowed for natural growth and change throughout the story.
29. The athlete's malleable mindset allowed for adaptation to new challenges and obstacles.
30. The artist's malleable process allowed for growth and improvement over time.

Common Phases

1. This design is extremely malleable; I can change it in numerous ways.
2. The software is highly malleable; we can add new features easily.
3. The material is not very malleable; it is quite brittle.
4. We need to modify our approach to this problem; our current one is not effective.
5. The code needs some modifications; it is not functioning as it should.
6. The malleability of this clay allows for infinite sculpting possibilities.
7. The interface is not very malleable; I cannot customize it to my liking.
8. We need to make some malleable adjustments to our plan based on new information.
9. The fabric is quite malleable; it drapes beautifully when draped.
10. This program is so malleable we can customize it to suit every single user.

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