Mammoths example sentences
Related (8): tusks, extinction, woolly, fossils, prehistoric, megafauna, Siberia, mammals
mammoths (plural noun)
- a large extinct elephant of the Pleistocene epoch, typically hairy with a sloping back and long curved tusks.
"Mammoths" Example Sentences
1. The mammoths roamed the ancient tundra.
2. Scientists study mammoth fossils to learn more about these extinct giants.
3. Mammoth tusks were prized possessions in prehistoric times.
4. Woolly mammoths had dense coats of fur to keep them warm during the Ice Age.
5. Scientists hope to one day be able to clone mammoths using DNA extracted from frozen tissue.
6. The Siberian permafrost has preserved woolly mammoth carcasses for thousands of years.
7. Mammoth bones are frequently found in peat bogs and sand dunes.
8. The woolly mammoths became extinct around 10,000 years ago.
9. Researchers are intrigued by the sudden disappearance of the mammoths.
10. Woolly mammoth skulls are huge and remind us of the sheer size of these creatures.
11. The Mammoth Hot Springs in Yellowstone National Park are named after the fossilized mammoth bones that were found there.
12. As the ice sheets melted, the mammoths had less habitat and food sources and could not survive.
13. Paleontologists carefully examine mammoth bones for clues about their physiology and behavior.
14. Jumbo, the African Elephant that inspired the word "jumbo," was nicknamed the "Mammoth of the Zulus."
15. Extreme cold helped preserve mammoth flesh, fur and internal organs.
16. The Columbian Mammoth roamed North America during the same time as the woolly mammoth.
17. Mammoths most likely used their enormous tusks to dig through snow for food and defend against predators.
18. Hunting by early humans may have contributed to the decline of mammoth populations.
19. Mastodons were closely related to mammoths but were not true mammoths.
20. The hair of woolly mammoths was coarse, curly and interspersed with longer guard hairs.
21. Asian elephants are the closest living relatives of the woolly mammoths.
22. Remains of trampled mammoth carcasses found at ancient human settlements suggest that humans hunted mammoths.
23. Paleontologists argue over the exact reason mammoths became extinct, pointing to climate change, hunting or disease.
24. Mammoths were browsers that lived mainly on grasses, twigs, leaves and aquatic plants.
25. Remains of intact mammoth carcasses recovered from Siberia have revealed soft tissue like skin, muscles and organs.
26. Prehistoric cave paintings occasionally feature depictions of woolly mammoths.
27. Standing over 10 feet tall at the shoulder, adult mammoths were truly gigantic creatures.
28. Primitive hunters likely hunted mammoths for food, shelter, tools and weapons made from mammoth tusks and bones.
29. Mammoth steppe, the ecosystem dominated by grasses that mammoths grazed on, covered parts of Europe and northern Asia during the Ice Age.
30. Remains of mammoths were occasionally uncovered during gold mining operations in the Klondike during the Gold Rush era.
31. In addition to their sheer size, woolly mammoths had distinctive long curved tusks.
32. Ice Age mammoth hunters used flint and stone tools to butcher mammoth carcasses.
33. Researchers hope studying mammoth DNA can reveal more about elephant genetics, immune systems and disease resistance.
34. Mojoceratops, a horned herbivore, roamed the earth alongside woolly mammoths during the Ice Age.
35. Trampled and fragmented mammoth bones are evidence of their importance as a food resource for early humans.
36. Saber-toothed cats and dire wolves hunted baby mammoths and scavenged mammoth carcasses.
37. Human ancestors like the Neanderthals likely hunted mammoths for food and used their thick hides for clothing and shelter.
38. Mammoths had molars shaped like flat surfaces to grind up plants for digestion.
39. Woolly mammoths reached weights of up to 12 tons, making them the size of modern African elephants.
40. Paleobiologists believe woolly mammoths had fur-covered ears, a short trunk and tiny tails.
41. Theologians have speculated that woolly mammoths may have been a contemporary of humans mentioned in creation stories.
42. Mammoth steppe vegetation supported a wide variety of herbivores during the late Pleistocene epoch.
43. Cavemen used tusks and bones from mammoths as tools and weapons for hunting and self-defense.
44. Mammoth calf remains recovered from Siberia reveal that baby mammoths were covered with reddish-brown wooly fur.
45. Wooly mammoth populations fluctuated in response to climate conditions during the last ice age.
46. Some religions believe mammoths survived alongside humans until relatively recently.
47. The city of Mammoth Lakes, California is named after the fossilized remains of mammoths that were discovered there.
48. Giant pterosaurs and saber-toothed cats likely hunted young mammoths and scavenged mammoth carcasses during the Mesozoic era.
49. Frozen specimens of mammoth hair, skin, bone marrow and muscle tissue have given scientists rare insight into mammoths.
50. With their small heads and massive bodies, woolly mammoths were the epitome of "big but dumb."
51. Continental glaciers covered the habitats of woolly mammoths during the late Pleistocene epoch.
52. The discovery of woolly mammoth remains inspired many theories about woolly mammoths and their possible resurrection.
53. The small ears and rounded shape of the Columbian mammoth's skull differ from the iconic curved tusks and sloped forehead of the woolly mammoth.
54. Scientists are working on creating elephants with woolly mammoth genes to test woolly mammoth adaptations to the Arctic.
55. Mammoth fur and skin has been found preserved in permafrost, yielding unprecedented samples for genetic research.
56. Due to their massive size, a single mammoth could provide enough meat to feed an entire tribe for weeks.
57. The Yuka mammoth, found preserved in permafrost, gave researchers a unique glimpse into the life of a woolly mammoth.
58. Paleontologists piece together clues from mammoth remains to understand how mammoths adapted to cold climates.
59. Some mammoth remains show signs of healing injuries inflicted by hunters or predators early in life.
60. Ultimately, the mammoths' large size, specific habitat needs and specialized diet likely made them vulnerable to extinction.
Common Phases
1. Mammoth task: An overwhelmingly difficult job or challenge.
2. Mammoth proportion: Enormous in size or extent.
3. Mammoth undertaking: A huge or difficult project.
4. Mammoth effort: An extremely strenuous or exhaustive attempt.
5. A mammoth of its kind: Something unusually large of its type.
6. Mammoth operation: A gigantic enterprise in scale.
7. Mammoth achievement: An accomplishment of an exceptionally large magnitude.
8. Mammoth scale: Enormous in size, extent or degree.
9. Mammoth size: Extremely large, often beyond what is usual.
10. Mammoth amount: A huge or overwhelming quantity.