Manful example sentences

Related (10): manly, courageous, valiant, gallant, heroic, brave, resolute, determined, steadfast, stalwart



manful (adjective)

  - resolute or brave, especially in the face of adversity:


brave, courageous, bold, plucky, gallant, heroic, intrepid, fearless, valiant, valorous, dauntless, doughty, resolute, grim, determined, manly, stout, stouthearted, lionhearted, stalwart, gutsy, ballsy, spunky, cowardly, timorous

"Manful" Example Sentences

1. He performed his duty with manful courage.
2. The manful hero confronted the monster.
3. The warriors fought with manful valor.
4. He bore his suffering with manful stoicism.
5. The manful knight rescued the fair maiden.
6. With manful determination, he pressed on toward his goal.
7. The survivors of the shipwreck maintained a manful spirit.
8. He made a manful rescue attempt, but it was too late to save her.
9. The soldier demonstrated manful discipline under fire.
10. The little boy took on the bully with manful daring.
11. He made a manful apology for his mistake.
12. After the accident, he faced the future with manful optimism.
13. They fought the wildfire with manful perseverance.
14. His manful effort impressed all who witnessed it.
15. The president gave a manful speech about facing hardship.
16. The old knight retired from battle, but he did so with manful grace.
17. The miners maintained their manful hope through the long ordeal.
18. The champion boxer fought with manful vigor.
19. The football team won with manful effort and teamwork.
20. He fulfilled his duty with manful integrity.
21. The adventurer lived by manful principles.
22. After losing the race, he took defeat with manful good humor.
23. The strongman performed with manful strength and showmanship.
24. His manful attempt at humor fell flat.
25. The team overcame the obstacle with manful persistence.
26. The explorer charted new territories with manful daring.
27. He rose to the challenge with manful enthusiasm.
28. His manful outdoorsman persona was clearly just for show.
29. The athlete worked to improve with manful dedication.
30. The little boy stood up to the bully with manful defiance.
31. They endured the hardship with manful fortitude.
32. He sang the song with manful gusto.
33. She fought for justice with manful passion.
34. He gave a manful speech about male virtue and honor.
35. The actor portraying the hero performed with manful bravado.
36. They adopted an overly manful style that felt forced.
37. He marched into battle with manful pride.
38. The lumberjack worked with manful strength and vigor.
39. The surfer conquered the monster wave with manful display
40. His manful beard did not make up for his lack of character.
41. The politician made a manful display of emotion during the speech.
42. The concert was performed with manful vigor and volume.
43. The chef cooked with manful gusto and flare.
44. He made a manful confession of wrongdoing.
45. The lifesaver rescued swimmers with manful heroism.
46. The pirates fought with manful wiles.
47. The hunter stalked his prey with manful skill.
48. The character exhibited manful integrity.
49. He fulfilled his duty with manful spirit.
50. With manful effort and ingenuity they fixed the problem.
51. He ran the race with manful energy.
52. The explorer conquered new frontiers with manful curiosity.
53. The manful qualities of honesty, courage, and honor were emphasized.
54. The manful virtues of honor, pride, and integrity were extolled.
55. The king ruled with manful wisdom and justice.
56. The grandmother encouraged her grandson to be manful and brave.
57. The poet wrote with manful passion about life's challenges.
58. The blacksmith worked the forge with manful strength.
59. The player performed with manful gusto and emotion.
60. The actor imbued the character with manful spirit and dignity.

Common Phases

1. He bore his illness with manful stoicism.
2. The captain led his troops into battle with manful courage.
3. She stood up to her bullies with manful determination.
4. The old man made a manful effort to walk up the steep hill.
5. The sailors clung to the wreckage with manful tenacity.
6. He made a manful attempt at rescuing her from the burning building.
7. The wrestler performed with manful vigor in the ring.
8. They rowed the lifeboat with manful energy to safety.
9. He made a manful effort to win her affections.
10. The solider fought with manful valor against tremendous odds.
11. They fought the fire with manful resolve and fierce dedication.
12. The boy gave a manful yell as he jumped into the pool.
13. With manful zeal, he attacked his studies every night.
14. In a manful fashion, he held back his tears.
15. He ran with manful speed and determination towards the finish line.
16. With manful effort and grit, he tried once again.
17. They had to make their way through the storm with manful fortitude.
18. The boy responded to his punishment with manful silence.
19. With manful strength, he pushed the large rock aside.
20. She expressed her disagreement with him in a manful manner.
21. He sang with manful gusto andvolume that echoed throughout the house.
22. With manful care, he tended to his elderly grandfather.
23. The hikers made their way over difficult terrain with manful endurance.
24. The dancers performed with manful athleticism and grace.
25. Their argument ended with a manful handshake and hug.
26. He faced his critics with manful dignity.
27. His speech conveyed manful passion and conviction.
28. The football player ran down the field with manful ferocity.
29. In a manful fashion, he comforted his crying friend.
30. They faced their challenges with manful confidence.
31. With manful cheerfulness, he greeted everyone he met.
32. The team played their hardest with manful solidarity.
33. The knight rode into battle with manful splendor.
34. The firefighter climbed the ladder with manful surefootedness.
35. The weightlifter bench pressed his barbell with manful power.
36. He worked tirelessly with manful enthusiasm.
37. They stood up to their oppressors with manful defiance.
38. In a manful show of affection, he embraced his father.
39. She gardened with manful diligence.
40. He handled the difficult situation with manful diplomacy.
41. He confronted his fears with manful bravery.
42. The climb took all of his manful energy and endurance.
43. With manful defiance, he refused to back down.
44. She tackled the task with manful perseverance.
45. They fought the beast with manful valor.
46. His voice rang out with manful clarity.
47. The heroine saved the day with manful courage.
48. The sailors worked with manful teamwork to fix the damaged vessel.
49. Despite his illness, he rose to get ready with manful fortitude.
50. The boxer fought with manful ferocity.
51. The mountain climber scaled the precipice with manful agility.
52. With manful tears in his eyes, he said goodbye to his father.
53. They carried out their rescue mission with manful dedication.
54. He approached the challenge with manful optimism.
55. The knight defended the damsel with manful gallantry.
56. The hero leaped into action with manful gusto.
57. He handled his responsibilities with manful aplomb.
58. She dealt the winning hand with manful flair.
59. With manful compassion, he comforted the injured animal.
60. The warrior fought with manful strength and skill.

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