Mangy example sentences
Related (10): infected, scabby, bedraggled, flea-ridden, unkempt, shabby, scrappy, scrawny, thin, pitiful
mangy (adjective) · mangey (adjective) · mangier (comparative adjective) · mangiest (superlative adjective)
- having mange.
- in poor condition; shabby:
scabby, scaly, scabious, diseased, scruffy, shabby, worn, unkempt, shoddy, sorry, dirty, squalid, filthy, sleazy, seedy, tatty, scuzzy, grungy, yucky, grotty, raggedy"Mangy" Example Sentences
1. The mangy dog wandered the streets looking for scraps of food.
2. The cat came into the house with its mangy fur and flea-infested body.
3. The mangy stray kept coming around looking for handouts.
4. The customers complained about the mangy carpet in the restaurant lobby.
5. The mangy old beast spent its days sleeping in the barn and chasing chickens.
6. The mangy coyote stayed close to human settlements hoping to scavenge food.
7. The children played outside while trying to avoid the mangy stray cat in the yard.
8. The mangy blanket had holes and smelled musty from years of neglect.
9. The sisters argued over who had to sleep with the mangy old quilt.
10. The mangy curtains were filled with dust and looked like they had seen better days.
11. The nursing home had mangy old carpets that had not been replaced in decades.
12. The mangy squirrels fought over the rotting fruit under the tree.
13. The mangy coat was filled with dirt and insect bites.
14. The porch was occupied by a few mangy cats that no one claimed as pets.
15. The mangy shepherd mix slept under the porch trying to stay out of the rain.
16. He kicked the mangy old mutt away as it sniffed around his feet.
17. The mangy clothes stuck to his thin, malnourished frame.
18. The owner pointed to the pile of mangy feather and said, "That used to be my rooster."
19. Feral cats congregated around the dumpster where they fought over the mangy scraps.
20. The mangy crib looked like it had last been used several decades ago.
21. We found a few mangy old books during our search of the abandoned house.
22. The mangy stuffed animal sat neglected in the closet.
23. The campers threw a few scraps to the mangy coyote before it ran off into the brush.
24. The mangy boar foraged in rotten piles of garbage looking for food.
25. The smell of mangy fur and fleas filled the air when the stray approached.
26. Disgusting insects crawled through the mangy old mattress in the basement.
27. Flies swarmed around the mangy pile of garbage bags left in the hot sun.
28. The stray cat hissed at the mangy dog that wandered too close.
29. The team took one look at the mangy field and decided to forfeit the game.
30. They stared at the mangy mess that remained of the rug and wondered if it was salvageable.
31. The mangy old cowboy wandered into town looking for a drink and a fight.
32. The mangy pillow smelled of sweat and mildew from years of neglect.
33. The mangy raccoon foraged through the trash can looking for scraps of food.
34. The mangy field mice scurried away when the door was opened.
35. The mangy german shepherd mix growled at anyone who approached the junkyard.
36. The barn was occupied by a few mangy goats that appeared half-starved.
37. The mangy bedraggled children wandered the streets begging for food.
38. The mangy old parrot squawked when it saw its owner approach.
39. The mangy smell filled the unventilated room.
40. The mangy rooster crowed in the early morning hours.
41. The mangy mattress was covered in stained sheets and smelled of mildew.
42. The farmhand kicked the mangy old cow that kept getting in his way.
43. The mangy flea-ridden dog ran from owner to owner looking for handouts.
44. The mangy fur was matted with dirt and twigs.
45. The mangy creature growled when anyone approached its patch of grass.
46. They looked at the mangy bumper and wondered if salvaging it was even worth the effort.
47. The mangy old coyote wandered into the campground looking for scraps of food.
48. The mangy horse stood alone in the field, barely able to stand.
49. The small girl hugged her mangy old stuffed animal despite its stained, dirty fur.
50. The mangy old playhouse sat rotting in the overgrown backyard.
Common Phases
1. The mangy stray dog sneaked around the neighborhood looking for scraps of food.
2. People threw rocks at the mangy cur to make it go away.
3. The mangy street cat hissed at me when I tried to pet it.
4. I avoided that mangy looking alley cat because I didn't want it scratching me.
5. The mangy old coat had holes and patches all over it.
6. The mangy old mutt was covered in ticks and fleas.
7. The mangy sheepdog had patches of fur missing from mange.
8. The mangy raccoon had bald spots and scabs all over its body.
9. The kid's hair looked absolutely mangy and unwashed.
10. It was a shabby, ramshackle house with a mangy yard full of weeds and junk.
11. The mangiest tomcat in town prowled the street looking for trouble.
12. The cabin had a mangy old rug covering part of the wood floor.
13. The old man's mangy gray beard hung down to his chest.
14. The hunter avoided shooting the mangy fox because it might give rabies.
15. The ranch hand warned the kid not to pet the mangy cattle dog.
16. The pirate's parrot had a mangy, molting tail feather.
17. The urchin had a mangy felt cap pulled low over his dirt-smeared face.
18. The dilapidated barn was home to a mangy colony of feral cats.
19. The orphanage issued each child a pair of worn, mangy slippers.
20. The hotel maid refused to change the sheets on the mangy old mattress.
21. The neglectful owner let the disease-ridden, mangy mutt wander the streets.
22. The child's mangy mittens had holes in the fingers and thumb.
23. The governor ordered the mangy coyotes from the countryside to be shot on sight.
24. Customers avoided sitting at the table with the mangy pillow because it was likely infested with bedbugs.
25. The vagrant picked through garbage cans looking for scraps of food for his mangy pack of stray dogs.
26. The warden inspected each prisoner's mangy bunk and issued demerits for unkempt cells.
27. The abandoned shack had a mangy carpet of weeds and tall grasses covering the ground.
28. The veteran avoided stomping on the mangy patch of thistles for fear of being pricked.
29. The farmer shot at the mangy raccoon whenever it raided his hen house at night.
30. The shopkeeper swatted at the mangy band of feral cats sniffing around the storefront.
31. The terrified boy wanted nothing to do with the mangy stray that kept following him home from school.
32. The hunter shot the mangy, one-eyed coyote before it could infect his pack of hunting hounds.
33. The old woman threw rocks at the mangy pack of cur dogs rooting through her garbage cans.
34. The tourist refused to buy fruit from the mangy street vendor for fear of contamination.
35. The teenager refused to drink from the mangy water fountain covered in splatters of what looked like dried blood.
36. The boss yelled at the worker for showing up to the jobsite with his mangy appearance and unwashed overalls.
37. The peasant's calloused, mangy feet ached after hours of working the field under the hot sun.
38. The governor directed the town officials to rid the streets of the mangy, flea-ridden mutts begging for scraps of food.
39. The boy refused to kneel on the mangy, dirty old cushion during confession in the chapel.
40. The warden ordered his guards to shoot any prisoner's mangy, infected dog lurking around the prison yard.
41. No one wanted to bring home the pitiful yet mangy stray dog they saw wandering the streets.
42. The old woman yelled at the mangy alley cat digging through her garden for a place to bury its waste.
43. The troubadour's mangy lute case had seen better days.
44. The sultan threatened to banish any of his subjects that showed up at court with a mangy, unkempt appearance.
45. The chef refused to prepare food in the filthy, mangy kitchen of the run-down diner.
46. The preacher warned his congregation to avoid the mangy drunks and vagabonds loitering outside the church.
47. The beggar's filthy, mangy rags were infested with lice and fleas.
48. The child's mangy report card signaled the need for serious improvement in his schoolwork.
49. The bullies threw rocks at the kid with the mangy clothes and unwashed appearance.
50. The tourist recoiled in disgust at the mangy, roadkill carcass lying in the midday sun.
51. The angry crowd chased the mangy curs from the street with sticks and clubs.
52. The guard ordered the prisoner to clean out his mangy cell before lockdown.
53. The stable boy said the horse trader would not buy the old, mangy, lame mare.
54. The captain ordered his crew to lower the mangy, rat-infested rowboat into the sea.
55. The boy hurried out of the garden rather than face his mother's wrath for disturbing her beloved yet mangy flowerbed.
56. The manager fired the custodian for refusing to clean the filthy, mangy restrooms any longer.
57. The huntsman shot the mangy badger after it began decimating his hen house.
58. The fisherman said the mangy old nets were useless for catching fish.
59. The monk shook his sandals free of dust before entering the sanctum with his mangy robe and calloused feet.
60. The children threw mud and sticks at the mangy rat sneaking around the rubbish heap.
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