Manipulator example sentences

Related (16): controller, handler, user, operator, conductor, exploiter, influencer, tactician, strategist, deceiver, schemer, trickster, orchestrator, puppeteer, coordinator, maneuverer.

"Manipulator" Example Sentences

1. He was a manipulator who cared only about satisfying his own ego.
2. The skillful manipulator managed to turn people against each other.
3. She maneuvered expertly through office politics, a natural manipulator.
4. Emotional manipulators try to control others through guilt and obligation.
5. The manipulator preyed upon his victims' insecurities and vulnerabilities.
6. Manipulators attempt to control others through dishonest means.
7. The manipulator always persuaded others to do what he wanted.
8. Be wary of emotional manipulators who use guilt to get their way.
9. The manipulator would say whatever it took to get what he wanted from people.
10. Leaving an emotional manipulator can be difficult and painful.
11. He was a master manipulator who used people for his own ends.
12. Manipulators distort the truth to suit their own agenda.
13. She saw through his manipulative attempts to control her.
14. Ending a relationship with an emotional manipulator can feel impossible.
15. Manipulators seldom change their ways.
16. The manipulator managed to convince everyone he was innocent.
17. She fell victim to the manipulator's charm and dishonest flattery.
18. The expert manipulator managed to fool everyone.
19. Protect yourself from manipulators by being honest and assertive.
20. The manipulator twisted her words to make her look unreasonable.
21. Emotional manipulators often prey on kindhearted people.
22. The manipulator's motives were always self-serving and dishonest.
23. The manipulator would do or say anything to get what he wanted.
24. The master manipulator knew how to twist the truth.
25. The manipulator always claimed to have good intentions.
26. Emotional manipulators ought to face consequences for their behavior.
27. He could not help but manipulate others for his own ends.
28. The manipulator managed to worm his way into people's confidence.
29. Cutting ties with the manipulator was the healthiest decision.
30. The manipulator would play the victim to elicit sympathy.
31. Manipulators use dishonest means to achieve selfish ends.
32. The cunning manipulator got others to do exactly what he wanted.
33. The manipulator always claimed he meant well.
34. Cutting an emotional manipulator out of your life can be liberating.
35. The manipulative practices of the company were finally exposed.
36. Manipulators distort facts to serve their own interests.
37. Manipulators can be charming, making it hard to see their true nature.
38. The manipulator managed to get everyone on his side through lies.
39. Staying with an emotional manipulator often damages one's self-esteem.
40. The manipulator would say anything to suit his agenda.
41. Emotional manipulators often play the victim to elicit sympathy.
42. The manipulator's true character finally came to light.
43. The manipulator would manipulate his own family without remorse.
44. Ending a relationship with a manipulator can be difficult but healthy.
45. Manipulators usually have little regard for the feelings of others.
46. The manipulator always had an explanation for his behavior.
47. The manipulator would twist the facts to support his own position.
48. Cutting ties with the manipulator finally allowed her to heal.
49. The manipulator would do anything to get what he wanted.
50. Manipulators often use charm and sympathy to gain people's trust.
51. The cunning manipulator knew just how to lie to get what he wanted.
52. The manipulator managed to fool everyone with his smooth talk.
53. The manipulator cared only about feeding his own ego.
54. Manipulators should face consequences for hurting others.
55. The manipulator skillfully twisted the truth to suit his own purposes.
56. The dishonest manipulator finally got what he deserved.
57. The manipulator's tactics finally backfired on him.
58. The manipulator always had an excuse for his behavior.
59. The manipulator would say anything to gain sympathy and support.
60. The manipulative techniques of the cult finally came to light.

Common Phases

1. The robot arm had an advanced gripper and manipulator to pick up delicate objects.
2. He was an emotional manipulator who knew how to prey on people's insecurities.
3. The manipulator arm on the space shuttle allowed the astronauts to grab satellites.
4. The pediatric surgeon used the joysticks and foot pedals to control the manipulator arms during the delicate surgery.
5. The manipulators picked up eggs and packed them into containers with precision and speed.
6. The military drone had a manipulator claw for picking up objects on the ground.
7. The police found evidence the kidnapper was an emotional manipulator who gained his victims' trust before abducting them.
8. The factory robot manipulator picked up sheets of metal from the conveyor belt.
9. He accused his ex of being an emotional manipulator who thrived on creating drama and conflict.
10. The crane used its hydraulic manipulator to remove the felled tree.
11. The manipulator on the bomb disposal robot allowed it to examine and disable improvised explosive devices.
12. The manipulators used computers to carry out coordinated attacks on the stock market.
13. The robotic manipulator fed parts into the assembly machine with machine-like precision.
14. The manipulator claw grabbed objects of various shapes and sizes without difficulty.
15. That skillful manipulator knew just what strings to pull to make people bend to his will.
16. The high-tech manipulator could sense the weight and texture of objects before grasping them.
17. The remote-controlled manipulator arms allowed surgeons to operate on patients from a distance.
18. The claw manipulator on the front-end loader grabbed bags of trash and dumped them into the compactor.
19. The robotic manipulator inspected the surface of Mars with its camera and probe.
20. The mothers accused their teenage daughters' boyfriends of being emotional manipulators who played mind games.
21. The manipulator was designed to handle a wide variety of tasks with interchangeable grippers and tools.
22. The manipulator arm on the space station allowed astronauts to work outside the spaceship.
23. The ship's manipulator arm lifted the pods onto the transporter pad to be beamed up to the Enterprise.
24. The manipulator claw grabbed sample rocks from the lunar surface.
25. It was obvious he was a manipulator who only cared about wielding power over others.
26. The robotic manipulator arm lifted the cube and examined the sides for inscriptions.
27. Her emotionally manipulative ex tried guilting her into getting back together.
28. The robotic manipulators assembled circuit boards with impressive accuracy and speed.
29. The prosthesis had highly advanced manipulators to assist the wearer in grasping objects.
30. The surgeon controlled the robotic arms and manipulators with hand controls and foot pedals.
31. The manipulators inside the MRI machine helped position patients for scans.
32. He accused his boss of being an emotional manipulator who toyed with people's feelings for personal gain.
33. The robotic manipulator lifted the crystalline cube and scanned it for analysis.
34. The claw manipulator grabbed random boxes from the warehouse shelves.
35. That financial adviser was a master manipulator who knew how to exploit people's greed.
36. The remote manipulator arm allowed sappers to disable bombs without risking their lives.
37. The surgeon used the robotic manipulators and advanced imaging to perform a minimally invasive procedure.
38. The robotic manipulator carefully investigated the surface of the alien artifact for clues.
39. The robotic manipulator could lift heavy weights with its advanced pulley system.
40. His daughter accused him of being an emotional manipulator who preyed on her insecurities.
41. The computer manipulators falsified data to make it appear legitimate.
42. The manipulator claw moved debris aside to allow access to the downed satellite.
43. The zero-gravity manipulator allowed astronauts to perform tasks outside the space station.
44. The robotic manipulator performed repetitive factory jobs normally done by human workers.
45. The robotic manipulator crushed the rock sample to measure its compressive strength.
46. She accused her ex of being an emotional manipulator who fed on drama and conflict.
47. The political manipulators spread disinformation to undermine their opponents.
48. The machine operators used joysticks to control the robotic manipulators on the factory floor.
49. The robotic claw manipulator could grab objects of various sizes and shapes.
50. That salesman was a professional manipulator who knew just how to prey on people's wants.
51. The manipulator arm ended in a robotic hand capable of handling delicate objects.
52. The manipulators used market volatility to make profits at other investors' expense.
53. The manipulator claw carefully moved the fragile artifact into the carrying case.
54. That corrupt politician was a master manipulator who knew how to exploit people's prejudices.
55. The robotic manipulator arm ended in multifunctional high-tech hand.
56. She accused her ex of being an emotional manipulator who fed on controlling her.
57. The robotic manipulators loaded components into the automated production line.
58. The manipulator claw grabbed random objects from the conveyor belt.
59. The emotional manipulator knew how to push people's buttons to get what he wanted.
60. That master manipulator knew just what lies to tell to exploit people's gullibility.

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