Mansarda example sentences

Related (4): attico, sottotetto, tettoia, soffitta

"Mansarda" Example Sentences

1. I have always wanted to live in a mansarda apartment with a view of the city.
2. The mansarda is a cozy nook under the sloping roof of our house.
3. The mansarda window was left open and rainwater was dripping into the room.
4. I need to bring some boxes up to the mansarda for storage.
5. The mansarda is too small to fit a full-sized bed, so I have a futon instead.
6. In Italy, a mansarda apartment can be found in the top floor of a historical building.
7. My favorite place to study is my mansarda, where I have a desk by the window.
8. The mansarda has a skylight that lets in plenty of natural light.
9. We have converted our attic into a beautiful mansarda with wooden beams and rustic décor.
10. As a child, I loved to play hide-and-seek in the mansarda.
11. The mansarda is a peaceful retreat where I can escape the chaos of the city.
12. I have laid down a carpet on the cold floor of the mansarda for warmth.
13. The mansarda needs a fresh coat of paint to brighten it up.
14. I have a comfortable armchair in the mansarda for reading.
15. During the summer, the mansarda can get very hot since it's under the roof.
16. We have added a small kitchenette to the mansarda for convenience.
17. The mansarda is a perfect spot for stargazing on clear nights.
18. We had to install a ventilation system in the mansarda to prevent mold.
19. The mansarda has a low ceiling, so I have to duck to avoid hitting my head.
20. I like to decorate the mantel in the mansarda with family photographs.
21. The mansarda has a beautiful view of the Alps and the valley.
22. The mansarda is decorated with paintings and sculptures collected from travels around the world.
23. We had to install an air conditioner in the mansarda because it gets too stuffy during summer nights.
24. The mansarda has a steep staircase leading up to it, which can be a challenge with heavy luggage.
25. I often work late into the night in the mansarda, which is quiet and conducive to focus.
26. During winter, the mansarda can get very cold and drafty.
27. My favorite part of the mansarda is the exposed brick wall.
28. The mansarda is a unique space with its own character and charm.
29. The mansarda has a small balcony with a breathtaking view of the sea.
30. We converted the attic into a mansarda, which added value to our home.

Common Phases

1. Ho una mansarda molto accogliente;
2. La mia mansarda è piena di luce naturale;
3. Mi piace il calore della mia mansarda d'inverno;
4. La mansarda è il mio rifugio preferito;
5. Ho trasformato la mia mansarda in uno studio creativo;
6. La mansarda è il luogo perfetto per leggere un buon libro;
7. Ho una vista spettacolare dalla mansarda;
8. La mia mansarda è piena di ricordi e cose speciali;
9. La mia mansarda è un piccolo mondo a parte;
10. Mi piace la sensazione di pace nella mia mansarda.

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