Marched example sentences

Related (10): paraded, stampeded, trudged, trooped, strutted, jogged, sashayed, goose-stepped, promenaded, filed

"Marched" Example Sentences

1. The soldiers marched in formation toward the enemy lines.
2. The activists marched down the street, chanting for change.
3. The band marched in the parade, playing their instruments proudly.
4. The ants marched in a straight line, carrying their food back to the colony.
5. The protestors marched outside the government building, demanding justice.
6. The children marched around the playground, playing follow the leader.
7. The workers marched in protest of the company's unfair labor practices.
8. The athletes marched into the stadium, ready to compete.
9. The soldiers marched through the muddy field, preparing for battle.
10. The protestors marched toward the police, carrying signs and shouting slogans.
11. The volunteers marched through the streets, collecting donations for the homeless.
12. The ducks marched in a line, leaving behind their footprints in the sand.
13. The students marched around the school, protesting the new dress code policy.
14. The army marched into the city, liberating it from the enemy's control.
15. The inmates marched in a line to the cafeteria, ready for their meals.
16. The horses marched in unison, carrying their riders to victory.
17. The protesters marched down the boulevard, calling for action on climate change.
18. The children marched in a parade, dressed up as their favorite comic book characters.
19. The troops marched across the desert, facing extreme heat and fatigue.
20. The band marched through the streets, playing festive music for the holiday parade.
21. The workers marched to the boss's office, demanding better working conditions.
22. The chickens marched around the barnyard, pecking for food.
23. The joggers marched up the hill, pushing themselves to go further.
24. The explorers marched through the jungle, hacking foliage and battling mosquitoes.
25. The army marched through the city streets, carrying weapons and securing the area.
26. The protesters marched to the capital, presenting their petitions to the government.
27. The elephants marched in a line, protecting their young from danger.
28. The knights marched into battle, in heavy suits of armor and with swords drawn.
29. The farmers marched across the field, planting seeds for the upcoming harvest.
30. The peace activists marched across the bridge, calling for an end to war and violence.

Common Phases

1. They marched through the forest with determination; their eyes fixed on the end goal.
2. Soldiers marched in unison down the street; their footsteps echoing loudly.
3. Protesters marched through the city, chanting in unison; their signs held high with purpose.
4. The band marched in the parade, playing lively tunes; their instruments gleaming in the sunlight.
5. The army marched across the desert, traversing hundreds of miles; their supplies carried on their backs.
6. Dancers marched gracefully across the stage, performing in perfect synchronization; their movements fluid and precise.
7. Athletes marched into the stadium, proudly representing their countries; their fans cheering them on from the stands.

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