Martyrdoms example sentences

Related (10): sacrifice, persecution, selflessness, passion, devotion, suffering, death, penance, immolation, crucifixion.

"Martyrdoms" Example Sentences

1. The history of Christianity is marked by several martyrdoms.
2. Despite the risk of martyrdom, the early apostles spread the gospel fervently.
3. Saint Stephen was one of the earliest Christian martyrs.
4. The church celebrates the martyrdoms of many saints every year.
5. The story of Saint Sebastian's martyrdom is both tragic and inspiring.
6. In some cultures, martyrdom is seen as the ultimate act of devotion.
7. Many people throughout history have faced martyrdom for their religious beliefs.
8. The accounts of martyrs in the Bible have inspired generations of Christians.
9. Some sects even glorify martyrdom as a way to earn eternal life.
10. Saint Peter's martyrdom is believed to have occurred during the reign of Nero.
11. The martyrdoms of early Christians were a testament to their unwavering faith.
12. Some people choose martyrdom as a way to protest against societal injustice.
13. The martyrdom of Saint Perpetua and Saint Felicity is one of the most well-known in Christian history.
14. In some countries, Christians still face the threat of martyrdom for their beliefs.
15. The story of Saint Lawrence's martyrdom is gruesome, yet inspiring.
16. Some historians believe that the accounts of martyrdoms have been embellished over time.
17. The concept of martyrdom is not unique to Christianity and can be found in other religions.
18. Some martyrs are celebrated purely for their bravery in the face of death, regardless of their faith.
19. The paintings depicting the martyrdoms of saints are often somber and dramatic.
20. Despite the political climate, some activists still choose martyrdom as a form of protest.
21. The prospect of martyrdom can be both terrifying and inspiring to devout believers.
22. The date of a martyr's death is often commemorated as a feast day in the church calendar.
23. Christian missionaries throughout history have faced the risk of martyrdom in their efforts to spread the gospel.
24. Some people view martyrdom as a heroic act, while others see it as unnecessary and tragic.
25. The martyrdoms of the apostles Peter and Paul are commemorated every year in the Catholic Church.
26. Some martyrs were revered not just for their faith, but for their acts of service and charity.
27. The concept of martyrdom evolved over time, reflecting changes in religious and cultural norms.
28. The golden age of martyrdoms occurred during the early years of Christianity, when the religion was still persecuted by the Romans.
29. The church recognizes the martyrdom of both saints and non-saints who died for their beliefs.
30. The stories of martyrdoms remind us of the power of faith and the sacrifices many have made for their beliefs.

Common Phases

1. "I don't mind sacrificing myself for the greater good; martyrdoms are just a necessary part of revolution."
2. "Some people will go to great lengths for their beliefs; martyrdoms have been the ultimate act of devotion throughout history."
3. "My grandfather's story of risking his life to protect his community has inspired me; martyrdoms don't always result in death, but they are always courageous."
4. "We can't forget the sacrifices made by those who fought for our freedoms; martyrdoms are a reminder of the courage needed to stand up for what's right."
5. "We may not always agree with their actions, but we can't deny the bravery of those who have chosen martyrdom; their sacrifices will never be forgotten."

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