Masser example sentences
Related (6): massage, masseur, massaging, massaged, massagist, massotherapy
"Masser" Example Sentences
1. I need a good masser for my sore muscles.2. The masser worked out all the knots in my back.
3. The masseuse was an excellent masser and had a soothing touch.
4. She went to see a masser for her chronic neck pain.
5. He decided to become a masser after experiencing the benefits of massage therapy firsthand.
6. The masser used hot stones to relax the client's muscles.
7. The spa offered a variety of different masser services.
8. The masser recommended stretches to help improve flexibility.
9. My friend is a licensed masser and has his own practice.
10. She studied Shiatsu massage techniques to become a better masser.
11. The masser used aromatherapy oils to deepen the relaxation experience.
12. He finally admitted to his wife that he enjoyed going to see a masser.
13. She booked a session with a prenatal masser to help relieve her pregnancy discomfort.
14. The masser worked on my feet and I immediately felt more grounded.
15. The hotel had a certified masser on staff who could give guests a relaxing massage in their room.
16. The masser incorporated Thai massage techniques into the client's session.
17. She decided to treat herself to a luxury spa day and booked a session with a high-end masser.
18. The masser took the time to ask about the client's specific needs and concerns before starting the session.
19. I prefer a deep tissue massage, so I always request the same masser.
20. After a long day at work, the masser was just what she needed to unwind.
21. The salon offered a couples massage package where a masser worked on both partners at once.
22. The masser had a zen-like presence that made the experience even more relaxing.
23. She was skeptical about massage therapy at first, but the results from her masser changed her mind.
24. The masser gave tips for self-care and stretches to help improve overall health.
25. The resort had an outdoor massage deck where clients could enjoy the sounds of nature while the masser worked their magic.
26. The masser used a combination of Swedish and deep tissue techniques to address the client's tension.
27. He was in a car accident and decided to see a masser to help with his recovery.
28. The yoga studio offered a restorative class where a masser would come in and give clients a gentle massage during relaxation poses.
29. She preferred female massers and requested one when making her appointment.
30. The masser used a cupping massage technique to increase blood flow and help with pain relief.
Common Phases
1. Je vais me faire masser aujourd'hui ;2. Mon dos est tendu, j'ai besoin d'un bon massage ;
3. Elle se fait masser régulièrement pour soulager ses tensions musculaires ;
4. Masser les pieds peut être très relaxant ;
5. C'est important de trouver un bon masseur pour éviter les douleurs ;
6. Après une longue journée de travail, rien de mieux qu'un bon massage ;
7. Les bienfaits de la réflexologie plantaire sont nombreux ;
8. La massothérapie est une technique de relaxation très efficace ;
9. Elle a appris à masser en suivant une formation professionnelle ;
10. Le massage thaï est réputé pour ses effets relaxants et décontractants.