Mastaba example sentences

Related (12): Egypt, ancient, tomb, rectangular, mudbrick, structure, flat-roofed, burial, pharaohs, Saqqara, desert, monument.



mastaba (noun) · mastabas (plural noun) · mastabah (noun) · mastabahs (plural noun)

  - an ancient Egyptian tomb rectangular in shape with sloping sides and a flat roof, standing to a height of 17–20 feet (5–6 m), consisting of an underground burial chamber with rooms above it (at ground level) in which to store offerings.

  - (in Islamic countries) a bench, typically of stone, attached to a house.

"Mastaba" Example Sentences

1. The mastaba is an ancient Egyptian structure used as a tomb.
2. The archaeologists discovered a hidden mastaba in the desert.
3. The mastaba of Mereruka is one of the most well-known mastabas in Egypt.
4. The mastabas were often decorated with intricate carvings and paintings.
5. The size of a mastaba could vary greatly depending on the wealth of the deceased.
6. The mastabas were built with mud bricks and limestone.
7. The mastabas were designed to resemble the benches used in everyday life.
8. The mastabas were the earliest form of large-scale construction in ancient Egypt.
9. The Great Pyramid at Giza is a larger and more grandiose form of the mastaba.
10. The ancient Egyptians believed that the soul of the deceased lived on in the mastaba.
11. The mastabas were built in the desert to protect the remains of the deceased from looters.
12. The mastaba of Ti was one of the most impressive examples of ancient Egyptian tomb architecture.
13. The mastaba of Nebamun was decorated with beautiful frescoes depicting daily life in ancient Egypt.
14. The mastaba of Ptahhotep is one of the oldest and best preserved mastabas in Egypt.
15. The walls of the mastaba were often inscribed with hieroglyphs detailing the life of the deceased.
16. The mastabas were often surrounded by smaller tombs for family members and servants.
17. The mastaba of Ankhmahor featured a complex system of underground chambers and corridors.
18. The roof of a mastaba was flat and could serve as a platform for conducting rituals.
19. The mastabas were sometimes used as a place to hold judicial proceedings.
20. The rectangular shape of the mastaba was meant to symbolize stability and order.
21. The mastaba was a monument to the power and prestige of the deceased.
22. The design of the mastaba evolved over time to include more complex and ornate features.
23. The mastaba of Iti was decorated with images of the gods and goddesses worshipped during the reign of the pharaoh.
24. The mastaba of Akhethetep was built during the Sixth Dynasty and is one of the few examples of a double mastaba.
25. The mastaba of Seshemnefer IV is an example of the use of natural light in ancient Egyptian tomb architecture.
26. The mastaba of Meryre is a well-preserved example of the use of relief sculpture in ancient Egyptian art.
27. The mastaba was often the focal point of a larger mortuary complex dedicated to the deceased.
28. The mastabas were built along the Nile River, which provided the necessary building materials.
29. The mastaba of Kagemni is one of the largest and most elaborate mastabas in Egypt.
30. The mastabas remain significant cultural and architectural achievements in ancient Egyptian history.

Common Phases

1. Mastaba is an ancient Egyptian burial structure.
2. Mastabas usually have a rectangular base and sloping walls.
3. Some mastabas were decorated with elaborate reliefs and inscriptions.
4. Many mastabas were built for high-ranking officials and nobles.
5. Mastabas were often built in groups, forming a larger complex.
6. The design of mastabas evolved over time, reflecting changes in Egyptian society.
7. Mastabas played an important role in the development of pyramid construction.
8. Mastabas continue to be a source of archaeological and historical study.
9. The word "mastaba" comes from the Arabic word for "bench."
10. Mastabas were used for burials for thousands of years, from the Early Dynastic period to the end of the Old Kingdom.

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