Matings example sentences

Related (4): reproduction, courtship, copulation, fertilization

"Matings" Example Sentences

1. The successful matings of the two endangered species were celebrated by conservationists.
2. A study was conducted to observe the mating habits of giraffes.
3. The zookeeper carefully monitored the mating behavior of the pandas.
4. The researcher discovered a new reproductive strategy during their analysis of insect matings.
5. The female bird chose her mate based on their ability to perform intricate mating dances.
6. The failure of repeated matings led to a change in the breeding program.
7. The successful matings of the breeding season resulted in record numbers of offspring.
8. The mating rituals of the peacock are considered one of nature's most beautiful displays.
9. Artificial insemination was used to increase the success rate of matings in the herd.
10. The male seahorse is responsible for carrying the young after successful matings.
11. A group of biologists studied the reproductive success of different types of mating systems.
12. During the breeding season, the males perform elaborate matings displays to attract females.
13. Researchers were surprised to discover a previously unknown hormone that influenced mating behavior.
14. The mating calls of the grey tree frog can be heard throughout the forest during the summer months.
15. The breeding program carefully selected which individuals were allowed to participate in matings.
16. The mating season was a time of heightened aggression among the male deer.
17. The successful matings of the captive population helped to increase the numbers of the species in the wild.
18. The females were much more selective in their choice of mates, leading to fewer successful matings.
19. The colorful plumage of the male bird is an important factor in attracting a mate during matings season.
20. The researchers discovered that the success rate of matings increased when the males were more physically fit.
21. The field biologist observed some fascinating courtship behaviors during the matings season of the reptiles.
22. The genetic diversity of the offspring was increased by careful matings between individuals with different traits.
23. A detailed study was conducted to understand the factors that lead to successful matings in the population.
24. The mating displays of the male spider are some of the most intricate and bizarre in the animal kingdom.
25. The careful monitoring of the matings in the breeding program helped maintain the health of the population.
26. The researchers were interested in understanding the mechanisms behind mate choice during matings.
27. The breeding program used a computer algorithm to optimize the number and success of matings each year.
28. The success of the matings was determined by the number of offspring produced per pair.
29. The intricate chemosensory mechanisms of sea turtles play an important role in mate selection during matings.
30. Despite the harsh conditions, some animals still managed to find mates during the cold winter matings season.

Common Phases

1. The matings between lions and lionesses occur frequently; it is a way for lions to procreate and continue their species.
2. In the animal kingdom, matings usually occur during mating season; this helps ensure that the offspring will be born during the best time of year.
3. The matings between birds can be quite elaborate; some male birds will perform intricate dances and displays to attract a female.
4. The success of matings can depend on many factors; such as the health and genetic compatibility of the individuals involved.
5. Some species engage in matings for life; such as certain types of birds and primates.
6. Due to human intervention, some animals have been unable to successfully mate; either due to habitat loss or other factors.
7. There is always a risk of disease transmission during matings; which is why many wild animals have developed ways to minimize the risk.
8. Some species engage in matings that are not strictly for reproduction; such as dolphins who engage in sexual behavior for pleasure.

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