Mawkish example sentences

Related (4): Sentimental, maudlin, overemotional, soppy.

"Mawkish" Example Sentences

1. His poem was overly sentimental and mawkish.
2. The Hallmark card sounded cheesy and mawkish.
3. The sappy love song made me cringe with its mawkish lyrics.
4. Her mawkish tale of woe drew scorn from the cynical editor.
5. The maudlin and mawkish film left audiences rolling their eyes.
6. The overemotional and mawkish speech failed to move the audience.
7. The poorly written story was dripping with mawkish sentimentality.
8. The cloying commercial appealed to the lowest common denominator with its mawkish message.
9. The mushy love story was filled with mawkish cliches and stock characters.
10. The tearjerker movie was too mawkish and contrived for my taste.
11. His sentimental tale lacked emotional depth and came across as mawkish and cloying.
12. I found the book's overwrought description of love to be rather mawkish and maudlin.
13. The sappily drawn comic strip elicited groans for its mawkish and cliched storylines.
14. The contrived plot was too mawkish and manipulative to be taken seriously.
15. The nauseatingly mawkish greeting card evoked dry heaves rather than heartfelt emotion.
16. The mawkish and cloying film left a bad taste in our mouths.
17. His insincere and mawkish apology rang hollow.
18. The maudlin melodrama and mawkish performances made the film hard to watch.
19. The stage performance had all the depth and subtlety of a mawkish soap opera.
20. Critics panned the novel for its shallow and mawkish treatment of emotional themes.
21. Her melodramatic and mawkish retelling of childhood events bordered on nauseating.
22. The novel's maudlin and mawkish depiction of love struck many readers as absurd.
23. The weepy and mawkish TV sitcom appealed mostly to teenage girls.
24. The mawkishly sentimental character studies grated on my nerves.
25. Her gushing and mawkish praise felt forced and ingratiating.
26. The public display of exaggerated sentimentality seemed calculated and mawkish.
27. Her mawkish pleas for sympathy failed to move anyone familiar with the real story.
28. The insincerely mawkish appeal was clearly designed to manipulate emotions.
29. The overwrought and mawkish plot lines strained credulity and good taste.
30. My grandfather's mawkish stories of days gone by made for pleasant listening.
31. There was little that wasn't mawkish and melodramatic in the over-the-top romance film.
32. The popularity of mawkish romance novels remains something of a mystery.
33. The mawkish displays of affection seemed unintentionally comical.
34. The mawkishly sentimental greeting card wore its emotions on its sleeve.
35. Her treacly voice dripped with mawkish self-pity.
36. The poorly written poem relied too much on mawkish sentiment and cliche.
37. The sappy love story was so mawkish it was hard to take seriously.
38. I found his mawkish plea for sympathy to be utterly lacking in sincerity.
39. The mawkish sentimentality of the obituary grated on me rather than moving me emotionally.
40. The act of remembering past events in such a mawkish way seemed desperate and foolhardy.
41. The overly ambitious and mawkish novel failed to live up to its lofty goals.
42. Critics decried the film as manipulative, maudlin, and mawkish.
43. His mawkish performance was more laughable than moving.
44. The oversentimental and mawkish recollection of childhood left listeners cynical.
45. Her mawkish tale failed to win sympathy due its obviously calculated nature.
46. The poorly written story dripped with mawkish sentimentality and cliches.
47. His mawkish plea for understanding fell flat given his history of dishonesty.
48. The ridiculously mawkish movie relied on cheap tricks to pull emotional strings.
49. The tale of woe, though mawkish and contrived, still brought a tear to my eye.
50. Though formulaic and mawkish, the romantic comedy still made me chuckle.
51. The overblown and mawkish songs emphasized emotion over substance.
52. The mawkishly sentimental greeting card was trying too hard to pull heartstrings.
53. The bathetic and mawkish writing style grated on readers' nerves.
54. The overly mawkish Valentine's Day gifts felt uncomfortably forced.
55. I found the mawkish poem cloying and emotionally manipulative.
56. Her cloyingly mawkish sympathy was hard to take at face value.
57. Some of my grandfather's best stories were also the most mawkish.
58. I found the overly sweet lines of the poem to be rather mawkish and trite.
59. The treacly mawkish song lyrics left a bad taste in my mouth.
60. Though mawkish, the nostalgic recollection of old times still brought a smile to my face.

Common Phases

1. Her mawkish sentimentality turned me off.
2. The mawkish mush of romance novels is nauseating.
3. The mawkish display of affection seemed forced and insincere.
4. Her mawkish birthday card full of cheesy rhymes made me cringe.
5. His mawkish speech about friendship turned my stomach.
6. I dislike mawkish appeals to emotion that manipulate people's feelings.
7. The mawkish love song on the radio made me want to change the station.
8. His tearful and mawkish farewell speech struck me as disingenuous.
9. The mawkish display of affection seemed cloying and over the top.
10. The mawkish sentimentality of the advertisement was sickeningly sweet.
11. The mawkish love poem felt insincere and saccharine.
12. The mawkish memoir of her childhood made me roll my eyes.
13. The mawkish music video aimed for emotion but ended up feeling manipulative.
14. The mawkish greeting card tugged at the heartstrings in a cloying manner.
15. Her mawkish recounting of childhood memories was hard to stomach.
16. The mawkish rhetoric of politicians often leaves me cold.
17. The mawkish greeting cards were full of overly sentimental verses.
18. The mawkish mothering of her adult children felt overbearing.
19. The mawkish publicity surrounding the event left a bitter taste.
20. The mawkish greeting cards make me want to vomit with their saccharine sweetness.
21. The mawkish description of his childhood left listeners rolling their eyes.
22. The mawkish sentimentality of greeting cards is truly nauseating.
23. The mawkish details of his love life were too sentimental to bear.
24. His mawkish sentimentality and emotional exaggerations grated on me.
25. The mawkish displays of affection embarrassed me with their insincerity.
26. The mawkish picture book targeted toddlers with its over-the-top emotionality.
27. The mawkish sentiment in movies and novels makes me cringe.
28. The mawkish song lyrics tugged at emotional heartstrings in an overly sentimental way.
29. The mawkish rhetoric of politicians aims at emotional responses rather than reason.
30. The mawkish speech about motherhood manipulated listeners' emotions rather than providing real insight.
31. The mawkish memoir recounted a childhood in overly sweet and sentimental tones.
32. Her mawkish yearning for childhood innocence came across as naive.
33. The mawkish sympathy he expressed felt false and manipulative.
34. The mawkish card I received oozed cloying sentimentality.
35. Her mawkish recounting of their first date was hard to stomach.
36. His mawkish waxing poetic grated on my nerves.
37. The mawkish portrayal of domestic bliss in movies leaves me cold.
38. The mawkish scenes in novels elicit eye rolls rather than tears.
39. The mawkish rhetoric around holidays makes me want to vomit.
40. The mawkish speech had people choking back fake tears of emotion.
41. The mawkish melody dripped with saccharine sentimentality.
42. The mawkish card sent on my birthday oozed maudlin emotion.
43. The mawkish demands for Mother's/Father's Day gifts were hard to stomach.
44. The mawkish writings of authors like Nicholas Sparks aim for emotion but end up feeling manipulative.
45. Her mawkish waxing poetic about love reminded me of bad romance novels.
46. The mawkish description of her dog's death struck me as contrived and fake.
47. The mawkish portrayal of domestic life in movies leaves me cold.
48. The mawkish memoir left a bad taste in my mouth with its overly sentimental tone.
49. The mawkish rhetoric of politicians tugged at heartstrings with appeals to emotion rather than reason.
50. The mawkish lyrics of love songs make me want to gag.
51. The mawkish descriptions of his childhood memories were hard to get through.
52. Her mawkish displays of affection made me uncomfortable.
53. The mawkish greeting card brimmed with sentimental platitudes.
54. The mawkish storytelling of romance novelists aims for emotion but ends up saccharine.
55. His mawkish recounting of their relationship left me cold.
56. The mawkish poem brimmed with overly sentimental rhetoric.
57. The mawkish melody oozed saccharine sweetness.
58. The mawkish portrayal of domestic life in movies leaves me cold.
59. The mawkish memoirs of celebrities often feel contrived and insincere.
60. The mawkish rhetoric of politicians aimed to elicit an emotional rather than rational reaction.

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