Meant example sentences

Related (8): intended, planned, predestined, purposeful, designed, aimed, destined, fated.

"Meant" Example Sentences

1. That was meant as a joke.
2. I meant no offense.
3. What I meant to say was...
4. I meant well, but I realize now it came across the wrong way.
5. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.
6. He meant every word he said.
7. What you said really meant a lot to me.
8. Thank you for the kind words - they truly meant so much.
9. The book meant the world to me as a child.
10. The gift clearly meant a lot to her.
11. Her smile meant everything in that moment.
12. His actions meant more than any words ever could.
13. The dog wagged its tail, which clearly meant it wanted to play.
14. That ring really meant she was the one.
15. I meant only the best for you.
16. Those dances really meant something.
17. His vote meant a crucial change in the outcome.
18. Her sacrifice truly meant she loved me.
19. The report card meant he had to study harder.
20. Her embrace meant she forgave me.
21. I didn't mean for things to turn out this way.
22. They didn't mean any actual harm.
23. The flowers meant congratulations.
24. Your presence here really meant so much to me.
25. That song always meant happiness to me.
26. Staying up late really meant we had fun.
27. The hug meant more than words could express.
28. His silence meant disappointment.
29. The gesture truly meant the world to me.
30. They meant only what was best.
31. His smile meant he understood.
32. The text message truly meant he cared.
33. Their planning truly meant they wanted this to work.
34. That memory meant everything to her.
35. The photo meant his time there.
36. That toy meant so much as a child.
37. Her cooking truly meant she cared.
38. The sacrifice truly meant he loved her.
39. His stare meant he was intrigued.
40. The message really meant encouragement.
41. The toy meant happiness during hard times.
42. That pet truly meant family.
43. The sarcasm truly meant offense.
44. His yawn meant he was bored.
45. Their humor meant caring.
46. The present really meant thoughtfulness.
47. Her note truly meant motivation.
48. The garden meant hard work.
49. Their home truly meant comfort.
50. His tears truly meant sorrow.
51. The note card truly meant love.
52. Her actions meant forgiveness.
53. The early arrival meant eagerness.
54. His frown meant disapproval.
55. The offer truly meant consideration.
56. Your call really meant support.
57. Their coming truly meant support.
58. His behavior meant disinterest.
59. The tradition truly meant connection.
60. Their planning meant dedication.

Common Phases

1. That meant a lot to me.
2. She meant well, but she missed the mark.
3. The traffic jam meant I was late for work.
4. His sharp comment was not meant as an insult.
5. The light meant for me to go.
6. His smile meant he had forgiven me.
7. When the bell meant, classes were over.
8. The blinking light meant the battery was low.
9. The weather forecast meant there would be rain.
10. The warning sign clearly meant keep out.
11. Are you meant to be here right now?
12. The deadline meant to submit work by Friday.
13. My brother meant no harm with his joke.
14. The teacher's words were harsher than she meant.
15. The author meant to convey a deeper message.
16. The happy music meant good fortune.
17. Her serious expression meant she was focused.
18. The silence meant she agreed.
19. The sidewalk was meant for pedestrians.
20. The hidden path meant for secret passage.
21. His apology meant he understood his mistake.
22. The special occasion meant a celebration was in order.
23. The crosswalk meant I had the right of way.
24. The discount meant lower prices.
25. The symbols were meant to convey a spiritual message.
26. That code word was meant only for emergencies.
27. I meant what I said and I said what I meant.
28. The lines on the map meant separate cities.
29. Safety precautions were meant to prevent harm.
30. The library books were meant to be shared.
31. The runway lights meant the plane should land.
32. His words were not meant to attack me personally.
33. The song lyric meant to encourage perseverance.
34. The long hike was just what I had meant by adventure.
35. The gift voucher meant I could choose my own present.
36. The full moon meant the seas would be rough.
37. The abbreviation was meant to conserve space.
38. A raise meant appreciation of my hard work.
39. The ringing doorbell just meant bored neighborhood kids.
40. The sign language meant to communicate without speaking.
41. The spot on the map meant an important location.
42. Her cool demeanor meant she wasn't interested.
43. The meeting place just meant a general vicinity.
44. The price tag meant the cost to purchase.
45. His words were not meant as an attack on my character.
46. The usher seat me where he meant.
47. The ceremony was meant to honor those who served.
48 The bad weather meant canceled plans.
49. The detour sign meant another path to take.
50. That content was meant for mature audiences.
51. Action movies were not meant to reflect reality.
52. The holiday meant time off from work.
53. This passage is meant to educate and inspire the reader.
54. The snorkeling trip meant swimming with fish.
55. The broken lights meant trouble ahead.
56. The red buoys meant to mark hazards at sea.
57. The instructions were meant to be followed step-by-step.
58. The book was meant to be read slowly and carefully.
59. The siren just meant another emergency down the street.
60. The ripples on the pond meant a fish was feeding.

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