Medullar example sentences

Related (1): medullary

"Medullar" Example Sentences

1. The medullar oblongata controls vital functions such as breathing and heartbeat.
2. The medullar region of the kidney produces urine.
3. A medullar sponge kidney is a congenital disorder that causes cysts in the medullary region of the kidney.
4. The medullary cavity of a bone contains bone marrow.
5. The medullary thyroid carcinoma is a rare and aggressive form of thyroid cancer.
6. The medulla of the adrenal gland produces adrenaline.
7. The medullary rays in wood are the radial lines that transport nutrients.
8. The medullary sheath is the layer that surrounds the axons in nerve fibers.
9. The medullary sinus in the spleen contains macrophages that destroy old red blood cells.
10. The medullary sponge kidney disease may cause frequent urinary tract infections.
11. The medulla oblongata is part of the brainstem that controls involuntary functions.
12. The medullary canal in a bone is surrounded by the cortex.
13.The medullary pyramids in the brainstem are involved in motor and sensory functions.
14. The medullary cavity of long bones is filled with yellow or red bone marrow.
15. The medullary rays in cross-section show a star-shaped pattern.
16. The medullary interstitium in the kidney is the area between the tubules.
17. The medulla of the thymus is the central part that contains blood vessels and connective tissue.
18. The medullary cords in the lymph nodes contain B and T cells.
19. A medullary carcinoma of the breast is a rare and aggressive type of cancer.
20. The medullary sinus in the lymph nodes drains the lymphatic fluid.
21. The medullary medulla is the center of the adrenal gland that produces cortisol and aldosterone.
22. The medullary cystic kidney disease type 1 is caused by a mutation in the MUC1 gene.
23. The medullary rays in a tree trunk transmit water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves.
24. A medullary thyroid tumor may cause symptoms such as hoarseness or difficulty swallowing.
25. The medullary interstitium in the kidney is affected by nephritis or other kidney disorders.
26. The medullar arch of the foot is formed by the calcaneus and the cuboid bones.
27. The medullary cavity in the long bones may be affected by osteomyelitis or other infections.
28. The medullary cords in the lymph nodes may be damaged by autoimmune diseases or lymphomas.
29. The medullary sinus in the spleen is important for immune response and hematopoiesis.
30. The medulla of the thymus is important for the development of T lymphocytes.

Common Phases

1. The medullar region of the brain is responsible for controlling many involuntary functions;
2. The medullar cavity in long bones contains bone marrow;
3. Medullar thyroid cancer is a rare type of thyroid cancer;
4. The medullar sheath surrounds and insulates nerve fibers in the peripheral nervous system;
5. The medullar rays are structures found within woody stems that transport water and nutrients.

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