Mem example sentences

Related (10): Meme, Memory, Memorandum, Memorize, Memorable, Membrane, Memetic, Memento, Memetics, Membranous.

"Mem" Example Sentences

1. I'll always mem those happy times we spent together.
2. The mem of his lost love haunted him for years.
3. She scoured the mem for any clue she had missed.
4. The old mem brings a smile to my face.
5. The fading mems of childhood are some of my most precious possessions.
6. I have mem of her smiling face.
7. Reading the old mem brought back many happy feelings.
8. The old black and white photos stirred mems of years gone by.
9. The old soldier's war mems have become more vivid with age.
10. The fading mems of my grandmother comfort me.
11. His first kiss remains a happy mem.
12. I have fond mem of our days in college.
13. I treasure the mem of our first date.
14. Familiar scents can trigger long forgotten mem.
15. The country song brought back mems of my first love.
16. The sweetest mems are of my mother.
17. The old schoolhouse stirs mem of years gone by.
18. The recipe mem brought back happy times in the kitchen with my grandmother.
19. The smell of baking bread filled her with mem of her childhood.
20. He wrote down his war mem before they faded completely.
21. There are few happier mems than that of a child's laugh.
22. I cherish the mem of telling my kids Christmas stories by the fire.
23. The mem of my first car still makes me smile.
24. The teacher shared fond mems of former students.
25. The letter brought back happy mem.
26. The familiar melody stirred mem of our first dance.
27. The fragrance of roses filled her with happy mem.
28. I have fond mem of walking to school with my siblings.
29. The old photo album sparked many happy mem.
30. I wish I could freeze some mem and live in them forever.
31. Pieces of classical music stir mem of my grandparents' home.
32. Rereading my journal stirred many mem.
33. The mem of my first kiss still makes me blush.
34. I shall always cherish the mem of our time together.
35. Her childhood home stirs many happy mem.
36. The sound of children playing fills me with happy mem.
37. That song takes me back in mem to when I was young.
38. The old shed brings back many happy mem of summers past.
39. The mem of my parents fills me with warm feelings.
40. I shall always treasure the mem of holding my newborn child for the first time.
41. The scent of honeysuckle fills me with happy summertime mem.
42. The sight of her handwriting brought back mem of our long talks.
43. The smell of cookies baking filled her with happy childhood mem.
44. I still have vivid mem of my grandfather telling stories by the fire.
45. The old photo brought back happy mem.
46. There are happy mem hidden in every corner of that old house.
47. The sound of his voice stirred many happy mem.
48. I mem that smile like it was yesterday.
49. I have fond mem of our days in high school.
50. The familiar melody stirs happy mem of dancing in my grandfather's arms.

Common Phases

1. I sent him a mem reminding him of the deadline.
2. The mem was circulated around the office.
3. The mem notified employees of the upcoming changes.
4. The mem from HR spelled out the new health plan benefits in detail.
5. The CEO issued a company-wide mem about the disappointing earnings report.
6. The copious mem outlined the various risks of the business proposal.
7. She wrote a quick mem to her assistant reminding him of the afternoon meeting.
8. The mem detailed procedures for the new software launch.
9. I wrote up a brief mem summarizing the results of the meeting.
10. The mem outlined responsibilities for preparing the annual report.
11. The project manager sent out a mem with reminders and updates.
12. The strategic mem laid out the key objectives for the coming year.
13. The secretary printed copies of the mem and distributed them to all staff.
14. The confidential mem was only sent to senior management.
15. The two-page mem outlined the proposed changes to healthcare benefits.
16. The complacent mem had little impact on staff.
17. The mem received little attention and was quickly forgotten.
18. The urgent mem had an immediate effect on staff behavior.
19. The important mem was read and discussed in detail.
20. Top executives received a private mem unveiling the new product line.
21. I composed a mem detailing the results of our market research.
22. The assistant sent out the mem to alert team members of the client meeting.
23. Clarification was needed on some points in the ambiguous mem.
24. The brief mem announced upcoming holidays and office closures.
25. She typed up a quick mem documenting the personnel issues.
26. The mem failed to adequately summarize the key decision points.
27. All memos were distributed electronically through the company intranet.
28. The accidental typographical error in the mem caused confusion.
29. The revised mem more accurately reflected the ongoing discussions.
30. Several versions of the mem circulated before a final draft was approved.
31. The snarky mem generated resentment among staff.
32. Managers requested clarification on some aspects of the vague mem.
33. They received the confidential mem on a need-to-know basis.
34. Employees ignored the patronizing mem from upper management.
35. The nonchalant mem exhibited indifference towards employee concerns.
36. I composed a succinct mem to notify staff of the new procedure.
37. The inspiring mem boosted morale in the office.
38. The hastily written mem lacked adequate details.
39. The typing error invalidated key points raised in the mem.
40. Multiple memos on the topic generated confusion instead of clarity.
41. The informal mem announced the pizza lunch for Friday.
42. The professional mem projected authority and commanded attention.
43. The well-researched mem outlined intractable problems with the proposal.
44. The damning mem laid out reasons for the project's termination.
45. I circulated a draft mem for people's feedback and suggestions.
46. The biting mem criticized senior management's incompetence.
47. Many employees ignored the verbose mem from their boss.
48. The accusatory mem ignited an office feud.
49. The ill-timed mem disrupted workflow and caused friction among teams.
50. The informative mem helped staff prepare for the client visit.
51. The detailed mem left no room for misinterpretation.
52. Employees received various memos urging compliance with new policies.
53. The sensationalist mem exaggerated minor issues.
54. The mem failed to justify the radical changes proposed.
55. Multiple recipients complained about the unprofessional tone of the mem.
56. The dense mem required careful study to comprehend its key arguments.
57. The consequential mem resulted in changes to company-wide procedures.
58. The resentful mem hinted at internal power struggles.
59. The explosive mem caused an uproar among senior management.
60.The indiscreet mem revealed classified information.

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