Menacings example sentences

Related (13): threats, intimidations, warnings, ultimatums, glares, scowls, sneers, growls, snarls, barks, grunts, gestures, postures

"Menacings" Example Sentences

1. The menacings growls of the ferocious tiger could be heard from afar.
2. The menacings gestures of the stranger made me feel uneasy.
3. The menacings clouds in the sky indicated a storm was brewing.
4. The menacings tone in her voice made it clear she was not pleased.
5. The menacings behavior of the bully towards the smaller kids was unacceptable.
6. The menacings glares from the angry mob made the politician feel threatened.
7. The menacings barks of the guard dog kept intruders away from the property.
8. The menacings stance of the boxer intimidated his opponent before the fight.
9. The menacings presence of the dictator made the citizens afraid to speak out.
10. The menacings vibe in the haunted house sent chills down my spine.
11. The menacings growls of the lions made it clear they were hungry.
12. The menacings display of weapons by the gang members made the police nervous.
13. The menacings posture of the alligator warned us to keep our distance.
14. The menacings expression on the boss's face showed he was not pleased with our work.
15. The menacings atmosphere in the abandoned warehouse made me want to leave quickly.
16. The menacings strength of the storm caused widespread damage.
17. The menacings aura of the haunted forest made us feel like we were being watched.
18. The menacings look in his eyes made me feel like I was in danger.
19. The menacings snarls of the wolf pack made us stay away from their territory.
20. The menacings drift of the car on the icy road made us fear for our safety.
21. The menacings force of the hurricane pushed waves onto the shore.
22. The menacings whispers from the ghostly apparition made us run out of the house.
23. The menacings grip of the python on its prey was too strong to escape.
24. The menacings warning signs on the fence made us aware of the danger on the other side.
25. The menacings howls of the werewolf made us believe in monsters.
26. The menacings power of the earthquake shook the ground beneath our feet.
27. The menacings shadows in the dark alley made us take a different route.
28. The menacings cackles of the witch sent shivers down our spines.
29. The menacings presence of the intruder in the house made us call the police.
30. The menacings hiss of the snake warned us to keep our distance.

Common Phases

1. "Stay back; the situation is menacings."
2. "The tone of his voice was menacings; it sent chills down my spine."
3. "The dark alleyway looked menacings; I hurried my pace."
4. "The growling of the dog sounded menacings; I backed away slowly."
5. "The looming clouds appeared menacings; a storm was approaching."

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