Mercantilisme example sentences

Related (10): Commerce, capitalisme, exportation, importation, protectionnisme, enrichissement, colonies, monopole, emplois, investissement.

"Mercantilisme" Example Sentences

1. Mercantilisme was a popular economic theory in Europe during the sixteenth to the eighteenth centuries.
2. The mercantilisme movement promoted trade protectionism and the accumulation of gold and silver.
3. Many European countries adopted mercantilisme policies to promote their own economic interests.
4. Mercantilisme was often criticized for its emphasis on a zero-sum game of economic competition.
5. The French physiocrats were a group of economists who opposed mercantilisme.
6. Adam Smith's book "The Wealth of Nations" challenged many of the ideas of mercantilisme.
7. The Dutch Republic was one of the few European countries to reject mercantilisme and embrace free trade.
8. The mercantilisme system was based on the belief that a nation's wealth depended on its foreign trade.
9. One of the key tenets of mercantilisme was the use of tariffs to protect domestic industries.
10. The mercantilisme approach led to many countries engaging in colonialism and imperialism to acquire more resources.
11. Mercantilisme policies often resulted in trade wars between nations.
12. The mercantilisme theory also believed in a strong government role in regulating economic activity.
13. The implementation of mercantilisme policies led to many smuggling and black market activities.
14. The mercantilisme approach was based on the idea of a finite amount of wealth in the world.
15. The mercantilisme policy aimed to increase a country's trade surplus and decrease its trade deficit.
16. During the Industrial Revolution, mercantilisme policies were seen as outdated and ineffective.
17. Many African countries were exploited under the mercantilisme system through the slave trade.
18. The mercantilisme approach was based on the idea of exporting more than importing.
19. The mercantilisme theory contributed to the rise of mercantile capitalism.
20. Mercantilisme ideas still exist in modern protectionist policies.
21. The mercantilisme movement was characterized by a strong sense of nationalism.
22. The mercantilisme theory believed that a country's wealth came from the amount of precious metals it had.
23. The mercantilisme system was often criticized for its narrow focus on economic gain.
24. Mercantilisme policies were seen as unfair to developing countries and smaller economies.
25. The mercantilisme approach favored industrial goods over agricultural goods.
26. Mercantilisme was replaced by classical liberalism as the dominant economic theory in the nineteenth century.
27. The mercantilisme system was seen as detrimental to the economies of countries that did not have access to large amounts of precious metals.
28. The mercantilisme ideology played a role in the colonization of the Americas.
29. Mercantilisme policies were often accompanied by mercantilist practices such as subsidies and bounties.
30. The mercantilisme theory aimed to enrich the state through economic means.

Common Phases

1. Mercantilism was a popular economic theory in the 16th to 18th centuries; it emphasized the importance of a nation's wealth in terms of its trade and commerce.
2. The mercantilist philosophy valued a favorable balance of trade with other nations and the accumulation of precious metals; this was seen as a measure of a country's economic strength.
3. Many mercantilist policies involved government intervention in the economy to protect domestic industries and stimulate exports; this often led to trade wars and protectionism.
4. The mercantilist system was criticized for its narrow focus on trade and accumulation of wealth, as well as its disregard for individual economic freedoms and global cooperation.
5. Despite its flaws, mercantilism had a significant impact on economic thought and policies of the time, shaping the development of capitalism and international trade.

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