Meristemfrom example sentences

"Meristemfrom" Example Sentences

1. The meristem from the stem cell is what enables plant growth.
2. The meristem from the cambium layer is responsible for secondary growth.
3. The meristem from the root tip is what allows roots to grow and develop.
4. The meristem from the shoot apical bud is where new leaves and stems originate.
5. The meristem from the lateral bud produces branching in plants.
6. The meristem from the axillary bud is important for plant development.
7. The meristem from the vascular cambium layer is where phloem and xylem cells are produced.
8. The meristem from the protoderm layer gives rise to the plant's outermost layer.
9. The meristem from the ground meristem layer produces the plant's internal tissues.
10. The apical meristem from the root tip is responsible for primary root growth.
11. The cambium meristem from the stem produces new layers of wood in woody plants.
12. The intercalary meristem from the stem base allows for growth and elongation in grasses.
13. The meristem from the tunica layer in the shoot apical meristem is responsible for leaf initiation.
14. The meristem from the corpus layer in the shoot apical meristem is responsible for stem elongation.
15. The axillary meristem from the leaf axil produces lateral branches.
16. The meristem from the root cap is responsible for sensing and responding to gravity.
17. The cambium meristem from the root produces secondary root growth.
18. The meristem from the pericycle layer produces lateral roots.
19. The apical meristem from the embryo is what gives rise to the entire plant.
20. The intercalary meristem from the base of the leaf blade allows for leaf elongation.
21. The meristem from the shoot apical dome is important for overall plant growth and development.
22. The meristem from the lateral root produces further branching in the root system.
23. The axillary meristem from the stem produces side shoots.
24. The cambium meristem from the branch produces new layers of cork in woody plants.
25. The meristem from the shoot tip is responsible for apical dominance in plants.
26. The intercalary meristem from the base of the stem is important for plant height.
27. The meristem from the shoot apical meristem is where flowers and fruits originate.
28. The apical meristem from the shoot tip is responsible for shoot elongation.
29. The pericycle meristem from the root produces lateral roots and facilitates water and nutrient uptake.
30. The lateral meristem from the cambium layer produces secondary growth in plant stems.

Common Phases

1. Meristem from the apical bud is responsible for vertical growth;
2. Meristem from the root tip is responsible for root growth;
3. Meristem from the cambium layer is responsible for lateral growth;
4. Meristem from the shoot tip is responsible for shoot growth;
5. Meristem from the floral bud is responsible for flower development;
6. Meristem from the cork cambium is responsible for bark growth.

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