Miasmatos example sentences

"Miasmatos" Example Sentences

1. The miasmatos that emanated from the swamp made it impossible to breathe.
2. He believed that miasmatos caused many diseases.
3. The stagnant pond was a breeding ground for miasmatos.
4. The miasmatos in the sewer was overwhelming.
5. The foul smell gave away the presence of miasmatos.
6. The medieval belief in miasmatos led to many misguided medical practices.
7. The doctor diagnosed the illness as being caused by miasmatos.
8. The miasmatos from the landfill polluted the surrounding air.
9. The city struggled with high levels of miasmatos due to poor sanitation.
10. The miasmatos produced by the rotting vegetation was unbearable.
11. The spread of miasmatos was exacerbated by the lack of proper waste disposal.
12. The miasmatos was so thick you could taste it.
13. The ancient Greek concept of miasmatos explained disease as being caused by bad air.
14. The miasmatos from the chemical factory was a health risk for the residents of the nearby town.
15. It was clear that the miasmatos was the source of the unpleasant odor.
16. The miasmatos was causing respiratory problems for many in the community.
17. The miasmatos made it impossible to enjoy the otherwise beautiful surroundings.
18. The phenomenon of miasmatos was not fully understood until the discovery of bacteria.
19. The miasmatos arising from the landfill was a major concern for the health department.
20. The miasmatos arising from the sewage system was making people sick.
21. The medieval belief in miasmatos hindered progress in the study of infectious diseases.
22. The high levels of miasmatos were linked to the prevalence of respiratory illnesses in the community.
23. The miasmatos rising from the decaying plants was overwhelming.
24. The miasmatos caused by the volcanic smog was affecting air quality for miles around.
25. The concept of miasmatos was accepted by many for centuries before being disproven.
26. The miasmatos from the industrial waste was having detrimental effects on the local ecosystem.
27. The doctor explained that miasmatos was a product of organic matter breaking down.
28. The miasmatos from the uncollected garbage was attracting all kinds of vermin.
29. Despite evidence to the contrary, some still believed that miasmatos caused diseases.
30. The miasmatos from the slaughterhouse was turning the nearby river red and putrid.

Common Phases

1. Sentirse atrapado por los miasmatos;
2. Escapar de los miasmatos de la vida cotidiana;
3. Los miasmatos del pasado siempre están presentes;
4. Lidiar con los miasmatos de la depresión;
5. Superar los miasmatos de la ansiedad;
6. Los miasmatos de la ciudad pueden ser asfixiantes;
7. Aprender a respirar a pesar de los miasmatos del estrés;
8. Los miasmatos de la rutina diaria pueden ser tediosos;
9. Tratar con los miasmatos de la enfermedad crónica;
10. Los miasmatos de la sociedad moderna son cada vez más complicados.

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