Microneedles example sentences

Related (6): microinjection, transdermal, subcutaneous, microparticles, vaccination, nanoneedles

"Microneedles" Example Sentences

1. She applied the microneedles to her skin.
2. The microneedles were incredibly thin.
3. He was surprised by the painlessness of the microneedles.
4. The microneedles had to be applied with precision.
5. The microneedles were barely visible to the naked eye.
6. The microneedles were designed to penetrate the skin.
7. The microneedles had to be placed in a specific pattern.
8. The microneedles were made of a special material.
9. The microneedles were inserted into the skin with a device.
10. The microneedles were used to deliver the medication.
11. The microneedles were carefully removed after the procedure.
12. The microneedles were coated with a special substance.
13. The microneedles were inserted into the skin with a robotic arm.
14. The microneedles were used to inject the medication into the body.
15. The microneedles were designed to be painless and easy to use.
16. The microneedles were placed in the skin in a precise manner.
17. The microneedles were able to deliver the medication quickly and effectively.
18. The microneedles were inserted into the skin with a special device.
19. The microneedles were made of a biocompatible material to ensure safety.
20. The microneedles were coated with a special solution to help them penetrate the skin.
21. The microneedles were designed to deliver the medication directly to the target area.
22. The microneedles were able to penetrate the skin without causing any discomfort.
23. The microneedles were inserted into the skin with a special tool to ensure accuracy.
24. The microneedles were able to deliver the medication quickly and without any pain.
25. The microneedles were made of a biocompatible material to minimize the risk of infection.
26. The microneedles were inserted into the skin with a robotic arm for precise placement.
27. The microneedles were coated with a special solution to help them penetrate the skin more easily.
28. The microneedles were designed to deliver the medication directly to the desired area.
29. The microneedles were carefully removed after the procedure to prevent any further discomfort.
30. The microneedles were inserted into the skin with a special device to ensure accuracy.
31. The microneedles were able to penetrate the skin without causing any pain or discomfort.
32. The microneedles were made of a biocompatible material to reduce the risk of infection.
33. The microneedles were coated with a special solution to increase their effectiveness.
34. The microneedles were inserted into the skin with a robotic arm to ensure precise placement.
35. The microneedles were used to inject the medication directly into the desired area.
36. The microneedles were designed to be painless and easy to use, with minimal risk of infection.
37. The microneedles were placed in the skin in a precise manner to ensure that the medication was delivered accurately.
38. The microneedles were able to deliver the medication quickly and effectively, without any pain or discomfort.
39. The microneedles were made of a biocompatible material to minimize the risk of infection and ensure safety.
40. The microneedles were coated with a special solution to help them penetrate the skin more easily and deliver the medication directly to the target area.

Common Phases

Inserting microneedles; Extracting microneedles; Applying topical medications through microneedles; Delivering vaccines through microneedles; Administering drugs through microneedles.

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