Microscopic example sentences

Related (8): cellular, tiny, infinitesimal, minuscule, molecular, submicroscopic, atomic, nanoscopic.

"Microscopic" Example Sentences

1. We used a microscope to view the microscopic organisms in the pond water.
2. The parasite could only be seen with a high-powered microscopic lens.
3. The dust mites were visible only under a strong microscopic lens.
4. Microscopic organisms live in even the smallest droplets of water.
5. Cells are far too small to be seen by the naked eye and require a microscopic lens for viewing.
6. Microscopic particles of dust floated through the air and caught the sunlight.
7. The scientist studied the microbial sample under his microscopic research instruments.
8. The bacteria were so small that it required a powerful microscopic to see them clearly.
9. Forensic scientists examined the microscopic traces of evidence left at the crime scene.
10. Under the surgical microscope, doctors could see microscopic details of the damaged artery.
11. She spent hours looking at the microscopic organisms that inhabited the pond water.
12. The differences between the cells were only noticeable under a powerful microscopic lens.
13. The microscopic hairs that cover insect bodies are called setae.
14. The particles were so small as to be nearly microscopic in size.
15. The characteristic hexagonal cells of honeycomb wax are best observed under a microscope.
16. The microscope allowed scientists to discover an entire microscopic world previously unknown.
17. Under the microscope, even common dust revealed its complex microscopic structure.
18. The tiny cracks were only visible under the microscope's strong microscopic lens.
19. DNA has a microscopic, double-helix molecular structure.
20. The jeweler examined the diamond under a high-magnification microscopic loupe.

Common Phases

1. Under the microscope, the bacteria seemed microscopic.
2. The worm had a microscopic disease that required powerful magnification to see.
3. The tiny crystals formed microscopic prisms that scattered the light into beautiful rainbows.
4. The dust particles appeared as microscopic dots floating in the light beam.
5. The compound has been found to have microscopic effects on cellular functions.
6. Through the viewfinder, I could see the intricate pattern of the flower at a microscopic scale.
7. The microscopic organisms were too small to detect without a strong microscope.
8. The microscopic imperfections in the gemstone refracted the light in interesting ways.
9. The microscope revealed a microscopic world teeming with life.
10. The eye doctor inspected my eyes under a powerful microscopic lens.
11. The doctors found a microscopic parasite that had been causing me illness for months.
12. In order for the experiment to work, we needed equipment capable of measuring microscopic changes in temperature.
13. The individual paint particles had a microscopic but additive effect on the surface roughness.
14. The sea sponge had a microscopic furry texture that was obvious even to the naked eye.
15. The geologist studied rock samples under a microscopic lens to identify microscopic fossils.
16. We had to confirm the results using a microscopic inspection of the material.
17. The tweezers were specifically designed for handling microscopic specimens.
18. The sleet built up to form microscopic ice crystals on the car windshields.
19. The biologist analyzed microscopic variations in the cells' structure.
20. The anthill was teeming with microscopic activity happening all at once.
21. The microscope revealed the microscopic details in the hair sample.
22. They discovered microscopic changes that could only be seen under high magnification.
23. The fibers had microscopic hooks that allowed them to snag onto surrounding surfaces.
24. Without the microscope, we could not have seen the microscopic animalcules moving about.
25. The engineer examined the parts under a microscope for microscopic defects.
26. The compound has been proven to have microscopic effects on skin health.
27. The specimen jar contained a microscopic ecosystem that replicated larger ecological systems.
28. The examination revealed microscopic particles that were the source of contamination.
29. The tiny scratches were only visible under a microscopic lens.
30. The rain had left a residue that formed microscopic crystals across every surface.
31. The surgeon performed the operation on a microscopic scale using minimally invasive techniques.
32. The robot was capable of manipulating objects smaller than a human hair with microscopic precision.
33. They studied the properties of atoms under the highest power microscopic lens available.
34. The microscopic bubbles formed due to evaporation within the fluid.
35. Scientists discovered a microscopic change that was key to understanding the illness.
36. The microscopic organisms flourished in the damp environment.
37. The particles were broken down into their microscopic components.
38. The damage appeared to be microscopic at first.
39. The powder had a microscopic texture that left visible residue on surfaces.
40. The changes were so subtle they only became visible under microscopic magnification.
41. The microscope revealed microscopic fossils of ancient bacteria trapped in the sediment.
42. The soil contained microscopic organic particles essential for plant growth.
43. Scientists made the microscopic discovery that would change medical practice forever.
44. The stains on the fabric appeared to be biological material under the microscopic lens.
45. The changes in the sample were too microscopic to detect with the naked eye.
46. The dust seemed to vanish but left behind a thin coating of microscopic particles.
47. He adjusted the focus on the microscopic lens to bring the specimen into clearer view.
48. They had to proceed slowly and carefully to avoid destroying the microscopic evidence.
49. New imaging technologies allowed scientists to view objects at higher microscopic resolution.
50. The microscope showed microscopic mites crawling about within the specimen.
51. He spent the morning studying the microscopic features of the insect wings.
52. Microscopic imperfections could throw off even the most finely calibrated machine.
53. The machine's microscopic sensors measured minute changes in electrical resistance.
54. Scientists debate the clinical significance of such microscopic influences.
55. The microscope revealed the inner workings of life at the microscopic scale.
56. The scientist examined samples under a powerful microscopic lens.
57. Pollen grains showed distinctive microscopic features under magnification.
58. The size of the hole was beyond the range of microscopic detection.
59. A routine test uncovered the otherwise microscopic defect.
60. The solution contained microscopic air bubbles that interfered with testing.

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