"Mimetically" Example Sentences
1. The artist created a painting that mimetically captured the beauty of the sunset.
2. The actor's performance was so good that he mimetically embodied his character.
3. The robot mimetically replicated human gestures and facial expressions.
4. The owl's camouflage mimetically blended in with its surroundings.
5. The writer used words mimetically to convey the sound of the crashing waves on the shore.
6. The student mimetically copied every move the dance instructor made.
7. The sculpture was mimetically detailed, down to the tiniest wrinkles in the subject's clothing.
8. The bird mimetically imitated the sound of a car alarm.
9. The photographer captured the scene mimetically, with perfect lighting and composition.
10. The actor's impression of the politician was so good, it was almost mimetically accurate.
11. The artist used color mimetically to convey the mood of the painting.
12. The animal's movements were mimetically precise, showing off its intelligence.
13. The ballet dancers moved mimetically together, forming a seamless performance.
14. The computer program mimetically repeated the same task with perfect accuracy.
15. The singer mimetically matched her voice to the changing tempo of the music.
16. The magician's trick mimetically made a coin disappear from his hand.
17. The fighter mimetically replicated his trainer's punches and kicks during practice.
18. The sculptor carved the statue mimetically, capturing the exact likeness of the subject.
19. The river flowed mimetically, carving its way through the landscape.
20. The poet used words mimetically to evoke the feeling of a stormy night.
21. The department store mimetically imitated the latest fashion trends to attract shoppers.
22. The dog mimetically followed its owner's every command, showing its obedience.
23. The video game mimetically recreated the world of the popular movie franchise.
24. The painter used light mimetically to highlight the features of the portrait.
25. The gymnast moved her body mimetically, performing a flawless routine.
26. The chef mimetically reproduced the recipe from memory, without needing to consult notes.
27. The children mimetically copied their teacher's movements, learning a new dance.
28. The comedian mimetically imitated the voices of famous celebrities, getting laughs from the audience.
29. The orchestra played together mimetically, creating a harmonious melody.
30. The circus performer mimetically balanced on a tightrope, dazzling the audience.
Common Phases
1. She imitated her teacher;
mimetically copying every movement and gesture.
2. The comedian
mimetically portrayed the politician's mannerisms to perfection; the audience couldn't stop laughing.
3. The birds in the forest
mimetically echoed each other's calls; it was an intricate symphony of sounds.
4. The dancers moved
mimetically together in perfect synchronization; it was a beautiful sight to behold.
5. The street artist created a stunning portrait
mimetically, using only spray paint and a blank brick wall.