Misshapemiddle example sentences

Related (5): deformed, abnormal, malformed, misproportioned, disproportionate

"Misshapemiddle" Example Sentences

1. The misshapemiddle of the cake made it difficult to frost.
2. I tried to fix the misshapemiddle of my hair with a hair straightener.
3. The misshapemiddle of the sculpture made it look even more unique.
4. He struggled to flatten the misshapemiddle of the dough.
5. The misshapemiddle of the road caused a lot of potholes.
6. The artist intentionally created a misshapemiddle to give the painting character.
7. The misshapemiddle of the dress made it fit awkwardly.
8. The carpenter had to sand down the misshapemiddle of the table.
9. The misshapemiddle of the doorway made it difficult to move furniture in and out.
10. The misshapemiddle of the vase gave it a rustic charm.
11. The misshapemiddle of the pillow made it uncomfortable to sleep on.
12. The misshapemiddle of the candle caused it to wobble.
13. The misshapemiddle of the tire made it difficult to balance.
14. The misshapemiddle of the clock caused it to tick irregularly.
15. The misshapemiddle of the floorboard creaked when you stepped on it.
16. The misshapemiddle of the plate made it hard to stack with other dishes.
17. The misshapemiddle of the shirt caused it to hang awkwardly.
18. The misshapemiddle of the cake pan caused the batter to cook unevenly.
19. The misshapemiddle of the balloon caused it to float erratically.
20. The misshapemiddle of the mug made it difficult to sip from.
21. The misshapemiddle of the leaf made it stand out amongst the others on the tree.
22. The misshapemiddle of the hat made it look like it had character and history.
23. The misshapemiddle of the blanket created a unique texture.
24. The misshapemiddle of the sock gave it an unusual fit.
25. The misshapemiddle of the guitar body made it stand out from other instruments.
26. The misshapemiddle of the bread loaf made it look homemade and authentic.
27. The misshapemiddle of the cactus gave it an interesting shape.
28. The misshapemiddle of the car door made it difficult to close.
29. The misshapemiddle of the soap bar made it easier to grip in the shower.
30. The misshapemiddle of the acorn made it unique among the others on the ground.

Common Phases

1. The misshapemiddle of the cake ruined its presentation;
2. The misshapemiddle of the road caused a traffic jam;
3. The misshapemiddle of the pottery made it unusable;
4. The misshapemiddle of the dress made it uncomfortable to wear;
5. The misshapemiddle of the building caused structural issues;
6. The misshapemiddle of the toy made it difficult to assemble;
7. The misshapemiddle of the book caused pages to fall out;
8. The misshapemiddle of the sculpture detracted from its beauty;
9. The misshapemiddle of the tree made it unstable;
10. The misshapemiddle of the phone caused technical glitches.

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