Mobbings example sentences

Related (6): bullying, harassment, intimidation, ostracism, persecution, victimization

"Mobbings" Example Sentences

1. She was a victim of mobbings in high school.
2. The mobbings at the office were a daily occurrence.
3. The mobbings became more frequent after the new boss was hired.
4. The mobbings were so severe that she was forced to quit her job.
5. She was constantly subjected to mobbings by her co-workers.
6. He was the target of constant mobbings at work.
7. The mobbings made her feel worthless and helpless.
8. The mobbings were so bad that she was afraid to go to work.
9. The mobbings were so relentless that she had no choice but to quit.
10. She was the victim of relentless mobbings by her colleagues.
11. The mobbings made her feel like she was an outcast in the office.
12. He was the victim of constant mobbings from his classmates.
13. The mobbings were so bad that she had to change schools.
14. The mobbings were so cruel that she was afraid to go to school.
15. She was a victim of vicious mobbings by her peers.
16. He was the target of daily mobbings at school.
17. The mobbings made her feel like she was an outsider.
18. The mobbings were so relentless that she had to transfer schools.
19. She was constantly subjected to mobbings by her classmates.
20. The mobbings were so severe that she was forced to drop out of school.
21. He was the target of constant mobbings at the office.
22. The mobbings made her feel like she didn't belong in the workplace.
23. The mobbings were so bad that she was afraid to go to work each day.
24. The mobbings were so cruel that she had no choice but to quit her job.
25. She was the victim of relentless mobbings by her supervisor.
26. The mobbings made her feel like she was worthless and helpless.
27. The mobbings were so relentless that she had to find a new job.
28. He was the target of daily mobbings from his co-workers.
29. The mobbings made her feel like she was an outcast in the office.
30. The mobbings were so bad that she had to leave the company.
31. She was constantly subjected to mobbings by her supervisor.
32. The mobbings were so severe that she was forced to resign.
33. The mobbings were so cruel that she was afraid to go to work.
34. He was the victim of constant mobbings from his colleagues.
35. The mobbings made her feel like she was an outsider in the workplace.
36. The mobbings were so relentless that she had to find another job.
37. She was the victim of vicious mobbings by her co-workers.
38. The mobbings made her feel like she was worthless and helpless.
39. The mobbings were so bad that she had to leave her job.
40. The mobbings were so severe that she was forced to quit.

Common Phases

Bullying; Harassment; Intimidation; Exclusion; Rumor-spreading; Threatening behavior; Cyberbullying; Isolation; Teasing; Humiliation.

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