"Mockery" Example Sentences
1. His impression of the teacher was a mockery and caused the class to erupt in laughter.
2. The dictator's rule turned the country into a mockery of democracy.
3. Justice was a mockery under his corrupt administration.
4. Their inaccurate replica of the statue was a mockery of the original.
5. The teacher's attempt to discipline the unruly students was a mockery.
6. He made a mockery of the ceremony with his inappropriate behavior.
7. The poorly designed website was a mockery of modern web development.
8. Her attempts to emulate his style were a mockery of his true talent.
9. Their claims of helping the poor were a mockery in the face of their wasteful spending.
10. Their sham elections were a mockery of free democracy.
11. The debate quickly devolved into a mockery, with both sides trading petty insults.
12. Their lack of preparation turned the presentation into a mockery.
13. His efforts to intervene only made a mockery of the serious situation.
14. The fake uniform was a mockery of all those who served honorably.
15. The parodic performance turned the play into a mockery of its original meaning.
16. The cracked foundation and peeling paint made a mockery of all their promotional materials.
17. Their mockery of him only increased his sense of isolation.
18. He refused to take part in their mockery and walked away.
19. Their attempts to copy her design were a poor mockery of her creativity.
20. His cheerful demeanor in the face of injustice made a mockery of his stated values.
21. The cheap quality of the replica only served as a mockery of the original design.
22. His uncontrolled laughter at her mistake only added to her sense of being made a mockery of.
23. She refused to dignify their mockery with a response.
24. Their claims to be a fair media outlet were a mockery.
25. The director was making a mockery of the playwright's original vision.
26. The shoddy repair job was a mockery of professional craftsmanship.
27. Their poor imitation only served as a mockery of the original masterpiece.
28. His solemn expression made a mockery of the lighthearted event.
29. The rumpled clothing and ungroomed appearance made a mockery of the dress code.
30. They intended their imitation to be a mockery rather than a sincere attempt.
31. Her response turned their mockery back on themselves.
32. The speaker's tone made a mockery of the serious topic.
33. The botched operation made a mockery of the promise of superior medical care.
34. The village made a mockery of the stranger's tales of modern civilization.
35. The lawsuit turned justice into a mockery.
36. His shoddy tools made a mockery of his claims as a craftsman.
37. The cheap knockoff was a mockery of the real thing.
38. The caricature was intended as mockery rather than compliment.
39. Their jeering turned into outright mockery.
40. Their inaccurate retelling was a mockery of the events she had witnessed.
41. The reviewer's harsh criticism bordered on mockery.
42. The shoddy wiring made a mockery of all safety standards.
43. The revolutionaries saw the monarchy as a mockery of the people's will.
44. The defaced painting became a mockery of what it once was.
45. His attempts to engage in serious discussion were met with mockery.
46. Their inaction turned suffering into a mockery.
47. Their shoddy reconstruction makes a mockery of history.
48. The clearly fraudulent proof turned the theorem into a mockery.
49. Her ideas were met with mockery rather than respect.
50. The poorly designed machine was nothing but a mockery of engineering.
51. He refused to let their mockery deter him from pursuing his goals.
52. Their machinery ground justice into a mockery.
53. Her makeup transformed her face into a mockery of beauty.
54. Their crude imitation served only as mockery.
55. Their disregard for safety rules made a mockery of the protocols.
56. His exaggerated performance made a mockery of the solemn occasion.
57. Her attempts at humor were met only with mockery.
58. The pothole-ridden street was a mockery of the city's claims of progress.
59. Their lack of research turned their proposal into a mockery.
60. He refused to dignify their mockery with an attempt at a logical rebuttal.
Common Phases
make a
mockery of - to treat something with such disrespect or lack of care that it becomes a joke or cause for laughter.
Eg: Their disregard for grammar rules makes a
mockery of the English language.
turn into/become a
mockery - to degenerate into or end up as a cause for ridicule or contempt.
Eg: The debate quickly turned into a
mockery, with both sides trading petty insults.
treated/met with
mockery - faced ridicule and contempt in response.
Eg: Her ideas were met with
mockery rather than respect.
mockery of - to ridicule or treat contemptuously.
Eg: His efforts only made
mockery of the serious situation.
mockery of - a poor, ridiculous imitation or parody of.
Eg: The damaged painting was a
mockery of what it once was.
no more than/nothing but a
mockery - a contemptible imitation.
Eg: The poorly designed machine was nothing but a
mockery of engineering.
How's that? Let me know if you would like any clarification or have additional questions.