Moldered example sentences

Related (10): decay, decompose, deteriorate, fester, rot, crumble, disintegrate, putrefy, fragment, wither.

"Moldered" Example Sentences

1. The leaves moldered in the damp dark corner.
2. The unused furniture moldered away in the shed.
3. The bones had moldered into dust over the centuries.
4. The books moldered on the forgotten shelf.
5. The unused ball gowns moldered in the back of the closet.
6. The shed was filled with moldering junk that had not been touched in years.
7. The castle had long since fallen into ruin and moldered away.
8. The ruins of the temple still moldered in the jungle.
9. The castle has moldered for hundreds of years.
10. His ambitions moldered away into nothing while he waited.
11. The once grand mansion now moldered away behind rusted gates.
12. The papers moldered and yellowed from years of neglect.
13. The cobwebs draped over the moldered furniture.
14. The unloved toys moldered in the attic.
15. The old wooden log has moldered into splinters over the years.
16. The fruit moldered on the vine, forgotten and rotten.
17. The wooden stage has moldered away into unusable scraps.
18. The wax figures have moldered away with age and lack of care.
19. The hopes of his youth now moldered in bitterness and regret.
20. The wooden beams had moldered and bowed under the weight.
21. The historical journals moldered away in a forgotten storage locker.
22. His childhood home moldered away behind a rusted gate and chain-link fence.
23. The old train car now moldered away on a forgotten side track.
24. The dream has moldered away into nothingness.
25. The unused tools moldered away in the workshop.
26. The ship wreckage has moldered away on the sea floor for years.
27. The hollowed out tree trunk moldered into dust beneath him.
28. The body had long since moldered away into bones.
29. The moldering tombstones bore barely legible epitaphs.
30. The moldering manuscript crumbled in her hands.
31. The plans that he had once had years ago now moldered away, forgotten.
32. The crop lay moldering in the field, never harvested.
33. Their moldering corpses lay scattered amongst the rubble.
34. His youthful ambition has long since moldered into apathy and ennui.
35. The apple cores moldered into mush in the fruit bowl.
36. The archive of film reels had moldered and warped over the decades.
37. The moldering wooden signpost pointed down a forgotten path.
38. The recipe box filled with moldering papers and torn scraps.
39. The moldering hay bales crumbled as he pushed against them.
40. The moldering wagon wheels lay rusted and broken.
41. The moldering notes lay forgotten in a dusty notebook.
42. The unused tools moldered away in the shed.
43. The ancient foundations have moldered back into the earth.
44. The letters had yellowed and moldered over the years.
45. The moldering records had become illegible with age.
46. The moldering clothes had decomposed into shapeless rags.
47. His ambitions moldered into dust in that sleepy backwater town.
48. The vines crept over the moldering stone walls.
49. The manuscript lay decaying and moldering on the library shelf.
50. The hope in her heart now moldered into bitterness.
51. The old cabin has moldered almost completely away.
52. The wood scrap littered the floor, moldering and rotting.
53. His memories of youth now moldered with age and regret.
54. The moldering hay and straw released musty scents into the air.
55. The long forgotten chest moldered away in the attic.
56. The moldering papers fell apart in his hands.
57. The wooden crates moldered away in the damp corner of the basement.
58. The moldering foundations showed where the old house once stood.
59. The rope moldered and snapped with age.
60. The moldering journal lay hidden beneath layers of dust.

Common Phases

1. Lay moldering - used to describe something decaying and decomposing as it lies unused, neglected, or abandoned.
2. Moldered away - decomposed and deteriorated to the point of becoming useless remains or dust.
3. Had moldered - indicates that something decayed or rotted over time in the past.
4. Molder into - to rot and decompose into a specified state or condition.
5. Moldering remains - the decayed or deteriorating ruins or remains of something.
6. Left to molder - abandoned and neglected so that deterioration occurred naturally.
7. Moldering heaps - large piles or mounds of decaying and rotting material.
8. Has moldered - used to indicate that something decayed or rotted over an extended period up to the present.
9. Moldering masses - large amounts of rotting or decaying materials.
10. Began to molder - started the process of decay, usually due to neglect, abandonment, or damage.

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