Monarchesses example sentences

Related (5): queen, royalty, sovereign, ruler, majesty

"Monarchesses" Example Sentences

1. The world has seen few monarchesses as powerful as Queen Elizabeth I.
2. Historically, monarchesses have often been underrepresented in leadership.
3. Is it possible for monarchesses to rule with the same authority as male monarchs?
4. The queen consort plays an important role in supporting monarchesses.
5. It is not uncommon for monarchesses to face pressure to produce a male heir.
6. Queen Victoria was one of the most influential monarchesses in British history.
7. Monarchesses have been known to wield great political power behind the scenes.
8. The concept of monarchesses being weaker or less capable than male monarchs is outdated.
9. The history of monarchesses in medieval Europe is fascinating.
10. Queen Mary I was one of England's most controversial monarchesses.
11. Monarchesses have been known to inspire great loyalty from their subjects.
12. Queen Isabella I of Spain was one of the most effective monarchesses of her time.
13. The idea of monarchesses ruling solo, without a king, was often met with skepticism.
14. Many monarchesses have been skilled military strategists.
15. Queen Nefertiti is one of the few ancient monarchesses whose reign is well-documented.
16. The role of monarchesses in the Middle Ages was often ceremonial but could also be influential.
17. Monarchesses are often portrayed as cold, unfeeling figures, but this is unfair and inaccurate.
18. Queen Elizabeth II is one of the most well-known and respected monarchesses in modern times.
19. Monarchesses have sometimes been criticized for their lavish spending on clothing and jewelry.
20. The tradition of monarchesses wearing crowns is one that stretches back centuries.
21. Many monarchesses have been remembered for their contributions to the arts.
22. Queen Catherine II of Russia was one of the most powerful monarchesses of the 18th century.
23. Monarchesses have often been viewed with suspicion and mistrust by male advisers and politicians.
24. The history of monarchesses in Africa is often overlooked and deserves greater recognition.
25. Queen Anne was one of England's most beloved and successful monarchesses.
26. Monarchesses have been known to use their influence to champion social causes and help vulnerable groups.
27. The idea of monarchesses ruling over men was once seen as scandalous and even dangerous.
28. Queen Victoria's reign marked a turning point for monarchesses in terms of political power and influence.
29. Monarchesses have been celebrated and criticized throughout history, but their impact cannot be denied.
30. Mary Queen of Scots is one of the most tragic and famous monarchesses of all time.

Common Phases

1. The two monarchesses attended the royal ball; they were the center of attention.
2. The monarchesses rode in their golden carriage; their subjects cheered as they passed.
3. The monarchesses visited the orphanage; they gave generous donations to the children.
4. The monarchesses oversaw the construction of their new palace; they wanted every detail to be perfect.
5. The monarchesses commanded their armies to victory; they were feared by their enemies.
6. The monarchesses hosted a grand banquet; they spared no expense to impress their guests.
7. The monarchesses looked regal in their matching gowns; they were the epitome of elegance.

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