Monocracy example sentences

Related (4): Autocracy, dictatorship, despotism, tyranny.

"Monocracy" Example Sentences

1. The country was under a monocracy for decades.
2. The citizens challenged the monocracy and demanded a democratic government.
3. The monarch ruled the country with a monocracy.
4. The concept of monocracy is not popular among the people.
5. The downfall of the monocracy resulted in a period of chaos.
6. The citizens were tired of living under a monocracy.
7. The king's absolute power was a characteristic of the monocracy.
8. The monocracy suppressed freedom of speech and expression.
9. The king was the only decision maker in the monocracy.
10. The people were dissatisfied with the lack of representation in the monocracy.
11. The ruling class was content with maintaining the monocracy.
12. The country's progress was hindered by the monocracy.
13. The transition from monocracy to democracy was challenging.
14. The idea of a monocracy goes against democratic principles.
15. The citizens' protests led to the end of the monocracy.
16. The king accumulated vast wealth during his reign of the monocracy.
17. The monocracy was known for its corruption and nepotism.
18. The citizens' rights were violated under the monocracy.
19. The king ruled with an iron fist in the monocracy.
20. The monocracy was replaced by a constitutional government.
21. The ruling class in the monocracy had immense power and influence.
22. The monocracy was marked by a lack of transparency and accountability.
23. The citizens were eager for a change from the monocracy.
24. The monarch's decisions in the monocracy were not always in the best interest of the people.
25. The idea of monocracy is outdated in the modern world.
26. The monocracy was steeped in tradition and customs.
27. The citizens' participation in governance was limited in the monocracy.
28. The country's economy suffered due to the inefficiencies of the monocracy.
29. The monocracy was seen as a barrier to progress and development.
30. The king's rule in the monocracy was perceived as oppressive by the people.

Common Phases

1. The country has been under monocracy for years; its citizens have lost their freedom and rights.
2. Monocracy has been the cause of many coups and uprisings in this region; people are growing increasingly frustrated with their leaders.
3. Some experts argue that monocracy is necessary in certain situations; it can help stabilize a country in times of crisis.
4. Critics of monocracy argue that it is inherently corrupt; one person or group has too much power and can easily abuse it.
5. Monocracy is often associated with authoritarian regimes; these governments prioritize control and stability over individual liberties.
6. The downfall of many monocracies has been their lack of succession planning; when a leader dies or steps down, chaos can ensue.
7. Monocracy is antithetical to democracy; it relies on one person or group to make all decisions, rather than an informed electorate.

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