Monosaccharides example sentences

Related (5): glucose, fructose, galactose, ribose, deoxyribose

"Monosaccharides" Example Sentences

1. Monosaccharides are the simplest form of carbohydrates.
2. Glucose and fructose are both types of monosaccharides.
3. Monosaccharides are also known as simple sugars.
4. The chemical formula for monosaccharides is (CH2O)n.
5. Some common examples of monosaccharides include glucose, fructose, and galactose.
6. Monosaccharides can be found in fruits, vegetables, and other food sources.
7. The structure of monosaccharides can vary, but they all have the same basic chemical composition.
8. Monosaccharides are important sources of energy for the body.
9. Insulin helps the body absorb monosaccharides from the bloodstream.
10. The process of photosynthesis involves converting carbon dioxide into monosaccharides.
11. Monosaccharides can be used as building blocks for more complex carbohydrates.
12. Monosaccharides can be classified as aldoses or ketoses.
13. Aldoses have a carbonyl group at the end of the carbon chain, while ketoses have a carbonyl group in the middle of the chain.
14. The concentration of monosaccharides in the bloodstream is regulated by hormones such as glucagon and insulin.
15. Monosaccharides play a role in cell signaling and cell communication.
16. Some monosaccharides, such as ribose, are important components of nucleotides.
17. Monosaccharides can also be used as sweeteners in food and beverages.
18. Some research suggests that high intake of monosaccharides may contribute to the development of diabetes and other health issues.
19. Monosaccharides can be broken down into their component parts through hydrolysis.
20. Monosaccharides are soluble in water and have a sweet taste.
21. The properties of monosaccharides depend on their chemical structure and the arrangement of their atoms.
22. Monosaccharides can be used as fuel for aerobic and anaerobic metabolism.
23. A monosaccharide is the smallest unit of carbohydrate that can be digested and absorbed by the body.
24. Monosaccharides are important for maintaining proper brain function and cognition.
25. Some monosaccharides can be converted into other carbohydrates such as glycogen and starch.
26. Monosaccharides are used by plants and animals for a variety of metabolic functions.
27. Monosaccharides can be fermented by bacteria to produce acids and other compounds.
28. Monosaccharides can be synthesized in the body from other compounds such as amino acids and fatty acids.
29. Some monosaccharides, such as glucose, can be transported across cell membranes by specific transport proteins.
30. Monosaccharides play an important role in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

Common Phases

1. Monosaccharides are simple sugars;
2. They can be classified into three main types;
3. Glucose is a common monosaccharide found in many foods;
4. Fructose is a monosaccharide commonly found in fruit;
5. Galactose is a monosaccharide found in milk;
6. Monosaccharides can be used as a source of energy by the body;
7. They are also important building blocks for more complex carbohydrates;
8. Monosaccharides can be joined together through a process called dehydration synthesis;
9. This forms larger carbohydrates such as disaccharides and polysaccharides;
10. Glucose is the primary monosaccharide used by the body for energy production.

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