Moralizev example sentences

Related (10): ethicize, preach, sermonize, edify, instruct, teach, lecture, pontificate, advise, guide

"Moralizev" Example Sentences

1. She tends to moralize too much, lecturing her friends on their behavior.
2. The novel doesn't moralize, but instead, offers a nuanced look at the characters' choices.
3. The children's book sought to moralize the importance of honesty to young readers.
4. He used his position as a priest to moralize his congregation on the evils of materialism.
5. The politicians took turns moralizing on the need for greater accountability in government.
6. The movie's ending seemed to moralize that crime doesn't pay in the end.
7. The professor's lecture didn't just moralize, but rather, offered solutions for improving society.
8. The magazine article moralized on the dangers of sugar consumption.
9. She constantly moralizes on the need for a simpler life without material possessions.
10. The church's sermon was filled with moralizing on the importance of faith.
11. The detective novel avoided moralizing and instead, focused on solving the crime.
12. The author moralizes that true love wins in the end in her romance novels.
13. The play moralizes that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
14. The comedian uses satire to moralize on societal issues such as greed and corruption.
15. The politician moralized on the need for stricter gun control laws in his campaign speech.
16. The film's ending tries to moralize on the importance of family and forgiveness.
17. The textbook moralizes that humans have a responsibility to preserve the environment.
18. The poem moralizes on the fleeting nature of life and its preciousness.
19. The memoir moralizes on the importance of forgiveness and letting go of grudges.
20. The children's fable moralizes on the danger of lying and always tells the truth.
21. The news anchor moralized on the issue of police brutality in his opening monologue.
22. The artist uses their work to moralize on the impact of war on innocent civilians.
23. The bumper sticker moralizes that peace is the only way to save humanity.
24. The philosopher moralizes on the need for critical thinking and self-reflection.
25. The museum exhibit moralizes on the beauty of cultural diversity and unity.
26. The business leader moralizes on the importance of ethical leadership and corporate responsibility.
27. The science fiction novel moralizes on the dangers of unchecked technological advancement.
28. The health guru moralizes on the need for a plant-based diet for optimum health.
29. The self-help book moralizes on the power of positive thinking to overcome obstacles.
30. The motivational speaker moralizes on the importance of perseverance in achieving goals.

Common Phases

1. It's not my place to moralize; everyone has their own values and beliefs.
2. I don't mean to moralize, but cheating is never the solution.
3. It's easy to moralize about the mistakes of others; we should focus on improving ourselves.
4. Let's not moralize about the past; we can only move forward from here.
5. I don't want to moralize, but we need to consider the impact of our actions on those around us.
6. Instead of moralizing about the situation, let's work together to find a solution.
7. It's important to avoid moralizing and instead approach situations with empathy and understanding.

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