Morgues example sentences

Related (7): bodies, autopsies, embalming, pathology, refrigeration, forensics, identification

"Morgues" Example Sentences

1. The morgues were overflowing with bodies after the natural disaster.
2. The police detective spent most of his day at the morgues investigating the latest homicide case.
3. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many cities had to set up makeshift morgues to handle the surge in fatalities.
4. The hospital's morgues were equipped with state-of-the-art cooling facilities to preserve bodies.
5. The investigator discovered a clue in one of the morgues that led to the identity of the murder suspect.
6. My fear of death was intensified by my visit to the morgues at the medical school.
7. The employees at the morgues worked long hours, often dealing with traumatic and emotional situations.
8. The coroner conducted autopsies on the bodies brought to the morgues to determine the cause of death.
9. The morgues were located in the basement of the hospital, away from the patient care units.
10. The smell of formaldehyde was overpowering inside the morgues.
11. The grieving family members were led to a private viewing room in the morgues to say goodbye to their loved one.
12. The morgues were carefully monitored by security to prevent any unauthorized access.
13. The detectives searched the morgues for any evidence left behind by the murderer.
14. The morgues were one of the few places where the chilling silence was constant.
15. The medical examiner used the resources available at the morgues to complete an accurate post-mortem analysis.
16. The morgues were understaffed, leading to long wait times for families wanting to retrieve their loved one's remains.
17. The hospital chaplain would occasionally visit the morgues to say prayers for the deceased.
18. The morgues were never a pleasant place to spend time, even for those who worked there regularly.
19. During the pandemic, the military was called in to help manage the overflow of bodies at the morgues.
20. There was a certain level of superstition surrounding the morgues, with some believing spirits still roamed the halls.
21. The hospital's morgues were equipped with special equipment to handle infectious diseases.
22. The security cameras monitored every inch of the morgues, ensuring safety for both employees and bodies.
23. The morgues had a strict protocol for handling DNA samples and evidence collection from the deceased.
24. The hospital prided itself on the cleanliness and organization of its morgues.
25. The pathologist spent hours in the morgues examining the bodies for any abnormalities or diseases.
26. The smell of death clung to everything inside the morgues, including the employees.
27. The hospital had a licensed embalmer on staff to prepare the bodies before they left the morgues.
28. The morgues were filled with both natural and violent deaths, a sobering reminder of mortality.
29. There was a certain level of detachment required to work in the morgues and suppress emotions.
30. The morgues' filing system was meticulous, ensuring no bodies were misplaced or unidentified.

Common Phases

1. The morgues were filled with rows of body bags; the air was heavy with the scent of death.
2. In some countries, morgues are open to the public; families can visit and pay their respects to their loved ones.
3. The forensic team carefully analyzed the evidence collected from the morgue; they were determined to solve the mystery of the murder.
4. The morgues were overwhelmed during the height of the pandemic; funeral homes struggled to keep up with the demand for services.
5. She felt a sense of trepidation as she stepped into the morgue; it was her first day on the job as a forensic pathologist.

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