Moribundities example sentences

Related (12): dying, decay, decline, lethargy, recession, stagnation, weakness, atrophy, debilitation, feebleness, languor, listlessness.

"Moribundities" Example Sentences

1. The moribundities of the long-defunct technology were on full display in the abandoned factory.
2. The moribundities of old traditions were finally being challenged by the younger generation.
3. In the deserted town, the moribundities of a once-thriving community were evident.
4. Despite its moribundities, the ancient language was still studied by a small group of enthusiasts.
5. The moribundities of the old regime were being dismantled one law at a time.
6. The moribundities of the classic novel were given new life in the hands of an innovative director.
7. The moribundities of the outdated educational system were causing concern among parents and teachers alike.
8. The moribundities of the fashion industry were being disrupted by up-and-coming designers.
9. In the worn-down museum, the moribundities of the exhibits were brought to light by modern perspectives.
10. The moribundities of the aging rockstar's career were painfully obvious during his comeback tour.
11. The moribundities of the monarchy were being challenged by the dissatisfied populace.
12. In the abandoned laboratory, the moribundities of the failed experiments were left to gather dust.
13. The moribundities of the once-popular brand were being revitalized by a new marketing campaign.
14. The moribundities of the outdated medical treatment were being replaced by more effective methods.
15. In the run-down theater, the moribundities of old-fashioned stagecraft were being replaced by cutting-edge technology.
16. The moribundities of the crumbling castle were being preserved by dedicated historians.
17. The moribundities of the ancient art form were being rediscovered by a modern audience.
18. The moribundities of the abandoned house were a source of fascination for urban explorers.
19. In the neglected library, the moribundities of the dusty tomes were beginning to fade away.
20. The moribundities of the deteriorating infrastructure were being addressed by a newly-elected government.
21. The moribundities of the obsolete machine were laid bare by its inability to function properly.
22. In the derelict factory, the moribundities of the outdated assembly line were never to be revived.
23. The moribundities of the failed experiment were documented in the laboratory notebook.
24. The moribundities of the disintegrating film reel were never to be seen by an audience again.
25. In the run-down museum, the moribundities of old-fashioned exhibit design were evident.
26. The moribundities of the forgotten language were still preserved by a handful of fluent speakers.
27. The moribundities of the decaying monument were being preserved by a restoration team.
28. In the abandoned shopping mall, the moribundities of the former bustling center of commerce were a stark reminder of its demise.
29. The moribundities of the outdated political system were being challenged by a vocal opposition.
30. The moribundities of the expired patent were now open to innovation and improvement.

Common Phases

1. The moribundities of our political system; the moribundities of our educational system; the moribundities of our healthcare system.
2. The moribundities of a decaying business model; the moribundities of outdated technology; the moribundities of a stagnant market.
3. The moribundities of an unhealthy lifestyle; the moribundities of addiction; the moribundities of a lack of purpose.
4. The moribundities of a dying relationship; the moribundities of unspoken resentments; the moribundities of failing communication.
5. The moribundities of a crumbling infrastructure; the moribundities of neglected public services; the moribundities of a budget crisis.

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