Mortido example sentences

Related (4): Thanatos, self-sabotage, morbidity, necrophilia

"Mortido" Example Sentences

1. The concept of "mortido" was introduced by the psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich.
2. She felt a surge of mortido as she drove by the cemetery.
3. The mortido within me drove me to explore my deeper desires.
4. His obsession with death and decay was rooted in mortido.
5. Freud's theory of the death drive is similar to Reich's theory of mortido.
6. The mortido within her motivated her to take risks and pursue dangerous thrills.
7. The mortido that drove his criminal activity was finally uncovered by the police.
8. Her mortido pulsated with every beat of her heart.
9. The mortido within him was consuming him, driving him towards self-destruction.
10. The mortido that haunted her dreams caused her to wake up in a panic every night.
11. The mortido within us all can lead to dark places if left unchecked.
12. His mortido was particularly strong when he was under intense emotional stress.
13. The mortido within her directed her towards a career in mortuary science.
14. The mortido that fueled his artistic expression was something he could not explain.
15. The mortido within him made him an outsider, always questioning authority and convention.
16. Her mortido led her towards a fascination with serial killers and their motives.
17. The mortido that drove him to become a doctor focused on saving lives rather than taking them.
18. His mortido was so strong that he felt compelled to explore the darker side of humanity.
19. The mortido within her was tempered by her strong moral compass.
20. The mortido that fueled his addiction led him down a dangerous path.
21. Her mortido manifested in her constant need for adrenaline and excitement.
22. His mortido was triggered by a traumatic experience in his childhood.
23. The mortido within him made him a passionate advocate for social justice issues.
24. The mortido that drove her to become a thrill-seeker also made her prone to self-destructive behavior.
25. His mortido made it hard for him to form any lasting relationships.
26. The mortido within her was a source of both fascination and fear.
27. His mortido caused him to distance himself from others in order to protect himself from emotional pain.
28. The mortido within him was a dark, overpowering force.
29. Her mortido made her question the very nature of existence and the meaning of life.
30. The mortido that consumed him eventually led to his downfall.

Common Phases

1. The mortido within me drives me towards success and achievement;
2. I can feel the mortido within me growing stronger with each passing day;
3. Sometimes I feel like my mortido is out of control, leading me down dark paths;
4. My mortido fuels my passions and creativity, driving me to create and innovate;
5. I am constantly battling my mortido, trying to harness its power for good;
6. The mortido within me is a force to be reckoned with, shaping every decision I make.

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