Mortislatin example sentences

Related (4): mortis, postmortem, mortician, mortuary

"Mortislatin" Example Sentences

1. The victim's body had completely succumbed to rigor mortislatin.
2. The medical examiner noted that rigor mortislatin had set in within 2 hours of death.
3. The detective knew that the killer had been at the crime scene for a while, as rigor mortislatin had already begun.
4. The forensic pathologist explained to the jury the process of rigor mortislatin and how it can help determine time of death.
5. The victim's arms were positioned in a way that indicated rigor mortislatin had already taken effect.
6. The investigator meticulously noted the state of rigor mortislatin in all the victims in the serial killer's spree.
7. The sergeant on the scene ordered the officers to be cautious as rigor mortislatin can make almost anything a potential weapon.
8. The cadaver's limbs were stiff with rigor mortislatin, making it difficult to maneuver for autopsy.
9. The criminal had miscalculated the time it would take for rigor mortislatin to set in, leading to his arrest.
10. The coroner's report concluded that the victim had been dead for at least 6 hours, based on the stage of rigor mortislatin.
11. The cadaver dog alerted the team to a possible body buried, and their suspicions were confirmed when they found rigor mortislatin had already set in.
12. The medical student was able to correctly diagnose the stage of rigor mortislatin in the mock cadaver, impressing her professor.
13. The suspect's story was quickly debunked when it was discovered that rigor mortislatin had already affected the victim.
14. The special effects team worked tirelessly to recreate the look of rigor mortislatin in the TV show's murder scenes.
15. The detective could tell the killer was in a frenzied rush because of the lack of rigor mortislatin in the victim's body.
16. The paramedics worked quickly but it was too late, the victim's limbs had already gone into rigor mortislatin.
17. The museum had an exhibit on the process of rigor mortislatin and its importance in forensic science.
18. The medical student was fascinated by the stage of rigor mortislatin she observed during her first autopsy.
19. The body had been floating in the river for days, which made it difficult to determine the exact time of death based on rigor mortislatin.
20. The CSI team took great care to preserve the state of rigor mortislatin on the bodies found at the crime scene.
21. The special effects team was praised for their realistic portrayal of rigor mortislatin in the horror movie.
22. The defendant's alibi was quickly disproved when the autopsy report revealed the victim's stage of rigor mortislatin.
23. The detective asked the coroner to check for any signs of rigor mortislatin on the body of the missing person they were investigating.
24. The victim's hands were still clenched due to rigor mortislatin, indicating they had been struggling before death.
25. The pathologist explained to the trainee the various stages of rigor mortislatin and how it can be helpful in homicide investigations.
26. The officer's heart raced as he realized the body was still fairly warm, suggesting rigor mortislatin had not yet begun.
27. The serial killer was meticulous in his timing of the murders, always killing when rigor mortislatin would not give him away.
28. The forensic team had to carefully manipulate the limbs of the body to measure the degree of rigor mortislatin.
29. The coroner was able to determine that the victim had been dead for at least 12 hours based on the stage of rigor mortislatin.
30. The killer had not accounted for how quickly rigor mortislatin would set in, causing him to leave evidence.

Common Phases

1. Rigor mortis; the temporary stiffening of muscles after death.
2. Livor mortis; the discoloration of the skin due to pooled blood after death.
3. Algor mortis; the gradual cooling of the body after death.
4. Memento mori; a reminder of one's mortal nature.
5. Carpe mortis; seize the opportunity before death.
6. Tempus fugit, memento mori; time flies, remember death.
7. Ars longa, vita brevis, occasio praeceps, experimentum periculosum, iudicium difficile; art is long, life is short, opportunity fleeting, experiment treacherous, judgment difficult (a phrase often used in medical ethics).
8. Ad mortem festinamus; we hasten towards death.

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