Motorists example sentences

Related (4): drivers, commuters, motorists, travelers

"Motorists" Example Sentences

1. The law enforcement agency issued a warning to motorists to slow down during the storm.
2. Motorists are reminded to buckle up and obey traffic rules.
3. The new traffic signal is causing confusion among some motorists.
4. Motorists who violate the HOV lane rules will face fines and penalties.
5. The construction work along the highway is causing major delays for motorists.
6. Motorists are urged to be cautious when driving in foggy conditions.
7. The bridge closure is expected to create a traffic nightmare for motorists.
8. Motorists who drive under the influence of alcohol will be arrested and prosecuted.
9. The city council is considering implementing a toll road for motorists.
10. The road closure due to the landslide has inconvenienced motorists and commuters.
11. Motorists can be fined for littering or throwing trash out of their car windows.
12. Any motorist involved in an accident must stop and exchange information with other parties.
13. The reduced speed limit in the construction zone is necessary for the safety of motorists and workers.
14. Motorists are encouraged to use public transportation or carpool to reduce traffic congestion.
15. The high gas prices have affected the purchasing power of many motorists.
16. Motorists should maintain a safe following distance from the vehicle in front of them.
17. The snowstorm has made driving conditions treacherous for motorists.
18. The traffic jam on the freeway is causing frustration among motorists.
19. Motorists are advised to avoid the downtown area during rush hour traffic.
20. The new highway interchange will improve traffic flow for thousands of motorists.
21. Motorists should not drive when they are feeling drowsy or fatigued.
22. The tolls collected from motorists will be used to pay for the road maintenance and improvements.
23. The police officer pulled over the motorist for running a red light.
24. The city council approved a new parking garage to provide more spaces for motorists.
25. The local news station broadcasts traffic updates every 15 minutes for motorists.
26. Motorists are required to carry a valid driver's license and proof of insurance at all times.
27. The construction crew is working around the clock to finish the road repairs for the benefit of motorists.
28. The billboard along the highway warns motorists of the upcoming exit.
29. The motorist suspected of driving while intoxicated was given a breathalyzer test.
30. The influx of tourists during the summer months creates traffic congestion for local motorists.

Common Phases

1. Motorists must obey traffic signals; failing to do so can result in accidents and tickets.
2. Many motorists choose to use their cellphones while driving; this is not only illegal but extremely dangerous.
3. Motorists should always wear their seatbelts; this simple act can save lives in the event of an accident.
4. Drunk driving is illegal and extremely dangerous; motorists should never get behind the wheel after consuming alcohol.
5. Motorists should always yield to pedestrians in crosswalks; failing to do so can result in serious injuries or fatalities.
6. Aggressive driving is a leading cause of accidents; motorists should stay calm and avoid engaging with other aggressive drivers.
7. Distracted driving, such as texting or eating while driving, is a major cause of accidents; motorists should focus on the road at all times.
8. It is important for motorists to properly maintain their vehicles; regular maintenance can prevent breakdowns and accidents on the road.

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