Mps example sentences

Related (4): politicians, legislators, lawmakers, representatives

"Mps" Example Sentences

1. The MPs voted along party lines on the issue.
2. Many MPs opposed the government's proposed budget cuts.
3. The party whips worked hard to ensure that their MPs voted as a bloc.
4. The prime minister faced criticism from MPs on both sides of the House.
5. MPs debated the contentious bill for several hours.
6. Some backbench MPs rebelled against the leadership on the key vote.
7. The MPs gathered in the chamber for the opening of Parliament.
8. The leader of the opposition accused the government MPs of complacency.
9. Government MPs were warned not to abstain on the crucial vote.
10. The prime minister faced an angry backbench of MPs at the weekly meeting.
11. The bill comfortably passed through the House of Commons with the support of government MPs.
12. Opposition MPs protested the government's handling of the crisis.
13. Several government MPs spoke in favor of the proposed legislation.
14. The leader's speech failed to win over dissenting MPs.
15. Some junior MPs were given minor roles in the new government.
16. The MP representing the constituency raised the issue in Parliament.
17. The prime minister faced questioning from hostile MPs at Prime Minister's Questions.
18. The new leader aims to unite the fractious MPs in their party.
19. Senior MPs urged the party members to support the new leader.
20. The MP traveled back to their constituency to meet with local residents.
21. The party hopes that the policy announcement will win back rebel MPs.
22. Many government MPs defied the whip and voted against the bill.
23. Government MPs rallied behind the prime minister during the challenges.
24. The rebellious MPs threatened to bring down the government on the issue.
25. The new leader will have to work hard to gain the respect of the party's MPs.
26. The prime minister met with senior MPs to discuss the government's handling of the crisis.
27. The leadership hopes that concessions will win back dissident MPs.
28. Backbench MPs expressed frustration at the lack of consultation.
29. MPs from all parties attended the memorial service for their late colleague.
30. Some opposition MPs joined government MPs in voting for the bill.
31. The party's MPs hold a range of views on the key issues before Parliament.
32. The majority of MPs supported the government in the vote of confidence.
33. The party whips have struggled to enforce discipline among their MPs.
34. The MP made a passionate speech calling for action on the issue.
35. The leader had to abandon unpopular plans in order to keep the support of the party's MPs.
36. The MP attended constituency surgeries to meet with local residents.
37. Party members criticized their MPs for failing to oppose unpopular government policies.
38. Some opposition MPs abstained rather than vote against the bill.
39. The party faces challenges uniting its disparate group of MPs and members.
40. The opposition hopes to win over government MPs to defeat the bill.
41. Government MPs argue that the bill is essential to deliver on their manifesto promises.
42. The MP released a statement defending their handling of the issue.
43. MPs returned to Westminster after spending time in their constituencies.
44. The new leader aims to bring discipline to a fractious group of MPs.
45. Government MPs claim that the policy has wide public support.
46. The backbench MPs voiced support for the rebel cause.
47. Veteran MPs welcomed the new MPs joining Parliament after the election.
48. Many constituents voiced frustration with the performance of their MP.
49. The leaders struggled to enforce party discipline on rebellious MPs.
50. The MP has a reputation for rebelling against the party line on key votes.
51. MPs lined up to shake hands with the visiting head of state.
52. MPs grilled the minister for hours during the committee hearing.
53. The party needs to unite if it hopes to regain power from the government MPs.
54. Some MPs expressed fears that the policy would not deliver promised benefits.
55. MPs from all parties attended the memorial service for their murdered colleague.
56. The prime minister thanked loyal government MPs for passing the crucial bill.
57. Many constituents wrote to their MP about their opposition to government policies.
58. The new leader needs to rebuild trust with disgruntled party MPs.
59. The MPs continue to debate the bill at second and third reading.
60. Government MPs argued that the policy was driven by economic necessity.

Common Phases

1. The MPs voted on the new bill last night.
2. MPs from opposing parties clashed in the House of Commons debates.
3. The leader of the party met with her MPs to discuss strategy.
4. Many MPs supported the proposal to reform election financing.
5. The cabinet ministers and junior ministers, along with the MPs, make up the government.
6. The party whips ensured that all their MPs showed up to vote yesterday.
7. MPs representing rural constituencies opposed the new farming regulations.
8. The government currently has a majority in the House of Commons with over 300 MPs.
9. Some opposition MPs refused to stand for the final vote of the day in protest.
10. The veteran MPs have decades of experience in Parliament.
11. The local MPs held a community meeting to hear residents' concerns.
12. Dozens of MPs signed an early day motion calling for new climate policies.
13. The new MPs joined the orientation program for freshmen legislators.
14. Local residents lined up to meet with their MPs at the community outreach event.
15. The backbench MPs criticized the government's handling of the economic crisis.
16. The PM met with key cabinet ministers and senior MPs to discuss strategy.
17. The watchdog group monitored votes by all MPs on key issues.
18. The election left the country with a hung parliament with no party winning a majority of MPs.
19. Some MPs want to modernize the format of parliamentary debates.
20. The MP made frequent speeches from the dispatch box on education policy.
21. Newly elected MPs took the oath of allegiance when Parliament convened.
22. The Brexit deal was approved by MPs in a close vote.
23. Rebellious MPs from both parties voted against the government on several key issues.
24. The news came amid rumors of discontent among some junior MPs.
25. Local businesses formed a delegation to lobby their MPs for tax incentives.
26. Senior party officials warned rebellious MPs to fall in line or face consequences.
27. The government's majority was reduced after several MPs defected to the opposition.
28. Most female MPs supported strong action on gender equality issues.
29. Parliamentary committee hearings gave MPs a chance to grill ministers on policy details.
30. The veteran MPs warned the freshmen legislators about the lies and hyperbole of election campaigns.
31. Political newcomers were included in the election slates of major parties to attract younger voters and revitalize the cohort of MPs.
32. Pressure is mounting on the PM to discipline underperforming MPs in his next cabinet reshuffle.
33. Some MPs spoke passionately about the plight of refugees, calling for more humanitarian aid.
34. The party relied on its whips to ensure that all its MPs were present for key votes.
35. Lobby groups targeted key MPs in a bid to influence upcoming legislation.
36. Freshman MPs were mentored by more experienced legislators on parliamentary procedure.
37. The MP was criticized for missing several important votes in Parliament.
38. Many MPs joined the debate on both sides of the contentious issue.
39. The opposition painted the resignation of several junior MPs as a sign of disaffection within the governing party.
40. The party held hustings to select candidates to contest key marginal seats held by opposing MPs.
41. Senior MPs called on the PM to show greater clarity of purpose and direction.
42. The speaker of the house admonished unruly MPs for disrupting proceedings.
43. MPs from both sides of the aisle joined hands to oppose the PM's legislative agenda.
44. The party made gains in parliament after several opposing MPs lost their seats.
45. The opposition accused government MPs of failing to hold the executive to account.
46. MPs on a parliamentary committee questioned the minister at length on policy details.
47. Two opposing MPs clashed angrily in the parliamentary lobby over policy differences.
48. Newly elected MPs joined the government backbenches while opposition MPs took their seats across the floor of the House.
49. Some MPs called for disciplinary action against their colleagues who missed key votes.
50. Lobbyists courted influential MPs in the run-up to crucial parliamentary votes.
51. The MP's rousing speech from the backbenches won praise from colleagues on both sides of the House.
52. The leader of the opposition condemned the attacks on female MPs online and in the media.
53. MPs spent the long weekend in their constituencies meeting with local constituents.
54. Party strategists hope that popular new MPs will help revive the party's flagging fortunes.
55. The PM drew criticism from opposition MPs for reacting too slowly to the crisis.
56. Both government and opposition MPs condemned the violent protests outside Parliament.
57. Lobby groups objected to claims by some MPs that they were unduly influencing policy.
58. A group of senior MPs urged the PM to reconsider his approach to Brexit negotiations.
59. The MP won cross-party support for her proposed bill to strengthen workers' rights.
60. Many junior MPs are eager for promotion to ministerial roles in the next cabinet reshuffle.

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