Mushrooming example sentences

Related (12): growth, expansion, proliferation, spreading, blooming, flourishing, burgeoning, increasing, multiplying, thriving, sprouting, developing.

"Mushrooming" Example Sentences

1. The housing industry is mushrooming in the suburban areas.
2. The number of shopping malls is mushrooming rapidly in the city.
3. The popularity of online shopping is mushrooming due to convenience.
4. The demand for organic products is mushrooming among health enthusiasts.
5. The drug addiction problem is mushrooming in the inner city.
6. The number of smartphones sold is mushrooming every year.
7. The number of fast food chains is mushrooming in developing countries.
8. The amount of information available on the internet is mushrooming.
9. The popularity of e-learning is mushrooming as schools remain closed.
10. The number of startup companies is mushrooming in the tech industry.
11. The fear of COVID-19 is mushrooming among the elderly population.
12. The number of tourists visiting the city is mushrooming every year.
13. The construction of high-rise buildings is mushrooming in urban areas.
14. The demand for electric cars is mushrooming globally.
15. The influence of social media is mushrooming in our daily lives.
16. The number of cases of cyberbullying is mushrooming among teenagers.
17. The number of small businesses mushrooming during the pandemic is surprising.
18. The use of robots in manufacturing is mushrooming, replacing human labor.
19. The demand for renewable energy is mushrooming worldwide.
20. The interest in sustainable fashion is mushrooming among younger generations.
21. The popularity of streaming services is mushrooming, making traditional cable TV irrelevant.
22. The number of registered voters is mushrooming as election day approaches.
23. The number of people practicing meditation is mushrooming due to its proven benefits.
24. The number of freelance workers is mushrooming in today's gig economy.
25. The number of people seeking therapy is mushrooming as mental health becomes a concern.
26. The art of street photography is mushrooming, as more people are discovering its beauty.
27. The number of people practicing yoga is mushrooming worldwide, leading to new studios.
28. The number of urban gardens is mushrooming as people become more conscious of their food.
29. The popularity of podcasting is mushrooming, allowing anyone to start their own show.
30. The number of craft breweries is mushrooming, offering diverse beer options to consumers.

Common Phases

1. The forest was mushrooming with a variety of fungi; the damp soil was the perfect breeding ground.
2. As the rain continued, the mushrooming of new housing developments grew at an alarming rate; the once rural area was now unrecognizable.
3. The small startup company had mushroomed into a multi-million dollar corporation in just a few years; the founders were shocked at their success.
4. The number of tourists visiting the island had mushroomed during the summer months; the locals struggled to keep up with demand.
5. Overuse of antibiotics has led to the mushrooming of drug-resistant bacteria; researchers are scrambling for a solution.

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